start living from your soul

Healing for Sensitive Souls

Harmonic Reconnection healing

Akashic Record readings
Soul-level healing

Intuitive development

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Healing & Balancing Meditation

Learn how to clear your energy, ground and protect yourself. 

When you subscribe below, you will receive a 30-minute meditation that focuses on energy clearing through deep relaxation and visualization exercises. This is a great practice to use if you feel drained, ungrounded or overwhelmed, and especially if you feel attacked by negative energies. I recommend to do it daily.

If you have never worked with me before, it is also a great way to test if my work is something for you :)

Welcome to Healing Radiance!

Here are the session types that I offer:

Akashic Record Readings

An Akashic Record reading gives a higher vantage point on your current situation and questions. Usually, I recommend our first session to be an Akashic Record reading (but it's not a must). We look at your soul profile and gain deeper insight on what is blocking you and which paths forward you can take, be it professionally, spiritually, or in your relationships. An Akashic Record reading can take the form of a general soul profile reading, or guidance in a specific situation. Both 30- and 60-minute sessions are available.

Soul Relationship Healing 

Working with soul connections and twin flames specifically. These relationships are very challenging, and tend to bring up a multitude of issues that we weren't even aware of. If we try to navigate them based on our old templates, these soul connections can quickly become very toxic and even destructive. The main goal of a soul relationship is to restore you to communion with your soul. It is not always easy — but it is worth it!

Healing Sessions

Harmonic Reconnection Healing combines elemental energy work, Akashic-level healing and embodied inner journeys. We work with the ancestors, inner child and other sub-personalities, taking on the alchemical work of transmuting the patterns and templates that no longer serve you into a new vision for your life. Sessions are available as individual sessions and as healing session packages. 


My name is Inga, and I help my clients find wholeness on their path of awakening and soul-centered living. I work with energy healing, deep information-based healing (Akashic Records), the elements, and the Sacred Feminine. 

Most of the clients drawn to my work are highly sensitive souls. They have had considerable challenges coping in the left-brained, superficial and materialistic world. Deep inside they knew there was something bigger, better, more real for them. 

Some of them felt drawn to the the Akashic Records and spiritual healing because for many years they have been secretly wondering to themselves, what could I have done in my past lives to end up in this mess? 

Many felt deeply disconnected from their bodies, from the Earth, and from the people in their lives. 

If you are reading this and feel how it resonates in your body, my message to you is: there is hope! You are not alone. I can help you reconnect, and live the life that your soul is longing for. 

The Akashic Perspective

I worked with many energy healers over the years, and learned many modalities and techniques.

My own gift is working with very high-frequency energies, that are often called the Akashic Records. I connect to my clients on the soul level, on the level of structures and patterns, and do clearing and energy work from that place. Which, for sensitive souls especially, can work miracles. 

But I have also learned that a big part of my call is to help others find balance. Thing is, as sensitive souls we are naturally good at all the high-frequency stuff. But how do we navigate relationships? How do we work? Pay our bills? How do we feel at home in our bodies? 

In my sessions, I address misalignments, such as: feeling disempowered, carrying heavy ancestral templates, feeling unwanted as a child. And, I am given ways of transmuting them. My soul contract with the Akashic Records is to use them in a very practical way for healing (becoming whole) and transformation. 

The higher up in frequency we go, the more we can shift. However — in order to integrate high frequency energetic shifts, we also need to embody them through daily practices, new choices and new understanding at the intellectual level.

Research Areas

I am an avid reader and researcher with two masters degrees and extensive training in energy healing work. Some of the areas I am currently researching and working on include:

  • Generational trauma, especially migration-related trauma and trauma of the feminine;
  • somatic and integrative trauma healing;
  • Islamic mysticism and the work of Muhyiddin Ibn al Arabi;
  • Arabic Moon mansions in astrology of the soul. Namely, how the moon mansion of your birth is connected to your star system of origin, and how it affects your soul blueprint;
  • Water crystallography and Moon mansions. How does water respond to different energies that come through on a particular day of the Moon? What does it mean for our own bodies and emotions?
  • Healing through the elements. Specifically, how to ground Akashic-level work into the physical body through elemental energy healing.

Questions? Get in touch!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have time available today?

Most likely, no.
Just like you, I prefer to plan my day, and know what I am doing in the next 24 hours. To maintain the energetic integrity of my sessions, I only take 2 healing clients per day. I like to devote all my attention to you — as I am sure you would want me to.

All my availability is listed in the scheduler. The scheduling system is in place to save your time and mine, to avoid 20 back-and-forth e-mails, payment delays, errors in time zone conversions, and half a day wasted on what could have taken one minute.

I am currently in time zone GMT +1. Sometimes, due to time zone differences, none of the slots in my calendar would seem to fit, even though I tried catering to most time zones in the space of one week. If this is the case, you can let me know, and we will figure out a time slot for a session within a week

Which type of session do I book?

Generally speaking, an Akashic Record reading session is for a first-time reading, a galactic origins reading and soul blueprint reading. There is some clearing done in this session, but the focus is on information (although of course, any information from that level is also healing).

I do ALL of my healing within the Akashic Records, and with what I receive from the Records. Therefore, if your primary interest is healing and clearing, not your galactic origins or soul history, you can just go right ahead and book a healing and guidance session. If, after a first-time reading, you realize you need a lot more clearing done, you may choose to book healing sessions, or a healing session package.

Why different types of sessions? I made a distinction between READINGS and HEALING SESSIONS primarily because a first-time reading requires a lot of Akashic research on my side before the session. Once I open your Records and know who you are at the soul level, information flows naturally. 

To sum up, as a general rule, for a first-time session and your galactic origins reading, book an Akashic Record reading, for subsequent sessions and healing work, book a healing and guidance session. 

For soul
connections/twin flames, I have a separate twin flame reading and healing session. On the one hand, this is for myself, to plan my week, and on the other, this is for you, to state for me and the Divine that this relationship is special to you :)

Are you a psychic?

That depends on what your definition of "psychic" is. I definitely use my intuitive gifts in all my work. My primary gifts are claicognizance and clairsentience, but I receive information in many other ways.

However, I do not use my gifts to predict the future. Frankly, don't believe in predicting the future. It is very disempowering and on many levels problematic to allow another person, even a well-meaning one, to create your life for you. So if your definition of "psychic" is someone who predicts the future for a living, then the answer is no.

Do I sometimes accurately predict the future? Of course, I do, as do you. If you see two cars on a collision course, you will probably scream, "oh no! they are going to crash!" And they most likely will (unless your reaction caused one of the drivers to pay attention?)

And if your daughter is going out with a guy who, for various reasons known to you, is not a reliable character, you predict the relationship is not going to work out. Based on what you know. And your prediction is very likely to come true. 

But that outcome is not set in stone. The future path can still be changed. 

From a higher vantage point of intuitive knowing, I can see things that are not visible. And I can make an assumption on potential outcomes, or on how to prevent them. But I am not the one creating the future — you are.

Can you clear entities/curses/black magic?

Black magic is not the main focus of my work. I also do not work with entity attachments or psychological problems arising as a result of working with mind-altering plants (such as ayahuasca). These should be referred to practitioners who administered the plant medicine to you.

A clearing of attachments, curses/anger spears, ancestral curses and other external influences is included in every session. Most sensitive souls will have some form of entity or thought form attachments. I work with clearing those every day. We work through these, and I will also teach you methods to keep your field pure.

The more sinister forms, such as cases of demonic oppression, do exist, but are extremely rare, and most healing practitioners, including myself, have limited experience with them. 

Can we chat over the phone before I book?

Short intro calls are standard in the coaching and healing field when booking a session package. And this is how it should be. You need to know what you are getting into and who you are going to work with before paying hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

However, an intro call would make no sense for 60- or 30-minute readings. If you are unsure whether I can help in your situation, or whether I work with a specific issue you need to resolve, you are welcome to send me an e-mail and briefly describe what you would like us to work on. If you are not a fan of writing, you can also record a voice note, and send it to me by e-mail. And I can answer you with a voice note, as well! :)

Can you just send me healing?

I used to agree to remote healing sessions, without the client being present. Meaning, sending healing, such as Reiki, while the client receives it at their end without physically logging on to the call.

However, I don't feel comfortable with this type of work anymore. First of all, unless you are very ill and unable to talk or log on to your computer, why would you resign your agency in your own healing?

Healing is not something done to us. Healing is what your own mind/body/soul does. Let me say this again. You are the one healing. No one can enforce healing on you, or anyone else.
Yes, sometimes we can do healing work for others, but not in the sense of "making" them heal.

A huge part of healing is conscious awareness. Without changing your thinking, do you really hope you can change the repeating (unconscious) patterns in your life? And how are you going to change your unconscious patterns without making them conscious? That is, without hearing at least a word or two about them?

Second, my work is not really about sitting there and sending energy. It is interactive, fluid, multi-dimensional. My mission is to empower you. To show you that you have agency.

I want to know how you feel during a session, what comes up, what questions arise. You don't have to say much, but I think we can agree that at the very least, you can show up for your own session :) Who is going to heal you, if you don't set the time to heal yourself?

How often should I have healing sessions?

I recommend monthly healing sessions. If you are going through a crisis, a rapidly changing life situation, or feel you need A LOT of healing, it is good to have a session once every two weeks. Anything more often than that is not really compatible with healing in the Akashic Records, as this energy needs time to settle and "trickle down" into physicality.

Will you tell me about my/our past lives?

I prefer to have a bird's-eye view of past lives. Very often, we repeat the same pattern over and over to try and heal the original wound of our soul.
An Akashic Record reading session is perfect for a general overview, e.g., what were my past lives, does this issue come from a past/parallel life, is this relationship connected to a past life, etc. Bringing an important issue to light takes only a few minutes, and can be life-changing.

However, please note that for deeper past life work you may need to do your own journeywork in healing sessions. I don't do past life regressions in a traditional sense (through hypnotic induction) but in a more relaxed combination of energy healing and  a guided journey that you can follow along. In my experience, it is much more productive to receive your own insights rather than have someone explain what they see to you — if a past life is an issue. 


Healing and Guidance Sessiom

Just wanted to share my gratitude 🙏 This is an absolute amazing experience to me and I honor your work. Knowing the true makes me feel alive. The clearing that we did I felt so connected.

Thank you from my heart. You are a beautiful gift and I'm grateful to the Universe.


Mentoring Session

Thank you Inga for such an amazing, enlightening and relaxing session. What a journey into the records, I felt so rejuvenated and at peace for the rest of the day.


Akashic Record Reading

Hey!🙏 The Akashic session was very helpful, actually. I was definitely relieved of at least one nagging worry. I believe the information I received will help me in the future with regard to certain decisions I must make. As an inherently skeptical person, I do believe you are the real deal. A few things that were "randomly" mentioned helped further convince me of this. On a personal note, the vibe was very friendly and pleasant. I normally don't like speaking on the phone, but I definitely enjoyed this conversation. I will most likely do more work with you in the future. Thank you very much! 🙏🙏


Akashic Record Reading

Inga's energy was very calming and she was able to zone into the essence of who I am very quickly, so that I felt seen and confident in her abilities. Then she brought in deep clearing and healing energy that has continued to help me several months later. It was a foundation to my new beginnings.

Deborah L., WA

Akashic Record Reading

Happy Sunday Inga.... It was great to connect with you and converse and I have listened to our conversation a couple of times and heard more than when we did it live. I am quite amazed at how many insightful points you made again and again like running down a checklist. It is the greatest treat just to talk to someone who understands your own inner experience, how often does that happen. The energy exercise was undeniably effective for most of an hour I was extremely relaxed and even had some slight light headedness. You are a very gifted lady and I look forward to another session which I will sign up for in the next couple of weeks. Many more blessings to you.


I had an Akashic record reading with Inga and it was so amazing and exciting. It resonated deeply and has been a beautiful part of my growth as a great accelerator. I truly recommend this experience for all truth seekers that are deeply dedicated to their divine destiny. Thank you so much Inga. With infinite love and gratitude.


Akashic Record Reading

I had an Akashic Records and a Spirit guide Reading with Inga.
She’s is the best!
Inga connects on a very deep level with your soul. The information is personal, intimate and clear. She explains the unique and specific energies you work with through lifetimes. Knowing yourself from such perspective brings understanding, comfort and healing. It is a gift really!


Akashic Record reading

Hello Inga, I just wanted to leave a review about my Akashic record reading with you. I'm still absorbing everything you told me and I am amazed at how strongly it has resonated with me! I feel that connecting with my soul's past through your reading has given me a strong sense of belonging to the universe. You have a great sense of humor and gentleness that comes through your soothing voice. Thanks again! :-)


Very kind, receptive and tapped in

Thank you so much! This was so special and confirmed a lot of what I have been feeling and studying during my reawakening... also gave me great insight and was able to put into words and identify what I can’t consciously access myself yet — like that I originate from Sirius hehe. I look forward to working with you again!! Very kind, receptive and tapped in — appreciate you!!



My session with Inga was quite revealing and confirmed some things that I had already felt years before. Her calm demeanor and way to explain things was very understandable for me. I truly appreciated her non judgmental approach which came across very warm.


Healing and Guidance Session

Both my sister and I had amazing readings with Inga. I have been working with her for over 2 years now and we have the best sessions together. She is a magnificent help in this accession journey. I recommend everyone to reach out to her


I just want to thank you again for my healing session yesterday

You provided clarity on feelings that have shadowed me most of my life yet I couldn't quite name. I now feel empowered to heal those aspects of myself that I know is the work I was meant to do in this lifetime. Thank you so much.


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