by Inga Kastrone

5 Traditional Rituals for Energy Clearing

October 18, 2024 | Spiritual Development

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  • 5 Traditional Rituals for Energy Clearing

    Healing and energy clearing rituals have long been present in cultures around the world. These rituals are based on the belief that a person has an energy body that must be nourished, protected and cleansed in order to maintain physical and mental health.

    In this article, we will look at some of the traditional healing rituals used to clear the energy field.

    1 – Smudging

    One of the most well-known ways energy clearing is smudging. We smudge using sacred herbs such as juniper, sage, laurel or palo santo.

    My father used to light a branch of juniper to smudge a hunting lodge before we entered it for midsummer celebrations. As a child, I never questioned the tradition, and just thought it was the most common thing to do when entering a building that has been left empty for a while.

    In a healing session, a healer burns sacred herbs and allows the smoke to envelop the client. The smoke “gathers” stagnant or negative energy on the etheric plane. Many people report a feeling of relief and refreshment after smudging.

    2 – Ritual Washing

    Many cultures practice ritual baths or washes to clear energy. These rituals may involve the use of special herbs, oils, or salts. A healer performs a ritual wash with prayers and meditation, helping the client to release negative energies.

    A ritual wash with flowers is used in Latin American limpias, a method of energy cleansing that involves the use of an egg. Ritual washing is the norm in Orthodox Judaism and Islam. What is less known is that ritual washing used to be the norm in Christianity, as well. Many churches still feature a cantharus, a fountain for ritual washing of hands, face and feet prior to entering the church.

    Because water is highly programmable and has what one can call a living intelligence, many cultures believe that entering into a relationship with water can not only help clear the physical body, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual levels of our being.

    3 – Crystal Work

    Many healers use crystals to balance and cleanse energy fields. Different crystals may be used for different purposes, such as amethyst for calming or black tourmaline to deflect negative energies. Patients are encouraged to hold the crystals in their hands or place them around them during the session.

    The best crystals for clearing and protecting the energy field are black crystals, such as black tourmaline and hematite. Also malachite is wonderful for keeping the energy in balance and for neutralizing the effects of electromagnetic radiation.

    For most people, crystals will work best in combination with other energy clearing techniques and with practices that ground and stabilize, such as breathwork.

    4 – Sound Therapy

    Sound therapy involves the use of sound instruments, such as Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, or bells, in order to harmonize energy. Sound and vibration enters into resonance with the cells of our own body, and helps achieve relaxation and stability. Moreover, certain vibrations help dispel negative energy and raise the overall frequency.

    Recent research in the field of cymatics and cellular sound has shown that vibration can be measured in terms of sound (or light — or frequency). Therefore, sound has a very tangible and measurable effect on our well-being and the well-being of our clients.

    5 – Color Therapy

    Colors have energetic properties — just like sound does. Different colors affect the state of mind and body differently. For example, staying in a blue room will make you feel cooler than staying in an orange room. A red or yellow room may feel like “too much”, especially if you are anxiety-prone. Soft blue is not just cooling — it also treats depression and chronic pain.

    Healers may use color therapy, colored candles or lighting, to balance the energy fields of their clients.

      It is important to note that the effectiveness of traditional healing rituals often depends on beliefs and perceptions of the client. Some people find comfort and healing in these rituals, while others may consider them purely symbolic.

      Healers who work with traditional energy field cleansing rituals usually undergo extensive training and follow the unique traditions of their culture. Energy and its effects on health is a complex and intricate aspect of alternative medicine, and can only be accessed in a holistic way, with the whole person, body, mind and spirit considered as one.

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