Information, Intuition and the Akashic Records

The Different Types of Urgency Campaigns You Can Create
By Inga Kastrone
About Information, Intuition and the Akashic Records

Discover 9 main blocks to working with the Akashic Records. These include ego blocks, over-reliance on the thinking mind, various soul-level issues, dark energies and not enough clarity on your own intuitive gifts.

We often enter the field of esoteric and intuitive studies not out of curiosity, but out of need. Something happened in our lives that we can no longer explain or fix with conventional psychology, religion or science. We are forced to look deeper, to go beyond the visible, to seek the hidden.

The Akashic Records often surface when we begin our search. For many, they are a semi-mythical concept, a legendary planetary database that is supposed to hold all information, all answers, the knowledge of all that ever existed and transpired. Who wouldn't want access to that!

There are many ways and traditions to access the Akashic Records. Maybe you tried the Pathway Prayer, or took a course, or followed a program that taught you to access the Records with a pendulum.

But what may have happened was that despite all expectations, you didn't get the information you were looking for. No one dropped a book into your lap with answers to all your questions. In fact, maybe no one dropped anything at all. Zero answers, zero information, zero intuition. Why?

I have identified 9 main blocks that stand between you and meaningful interaction with the Akashic Records:

  1. Misunderstanding of what information is, and how it is processed in our body. 
  2. Your relationship with the Creator.
  3. Attachment to the result.
  4. Misconceptions about learning and spiritual initiation. Accessing the Akashic Records is an initiatory experience.
  5.  Persecution imprints from past or parallel lives, ancestry and soul group.
  6. For some soul groups, fear of causing damage.
  7. Your own gifts and the way you receive high-frequency information are different from those of your teacher.
  8. Dark energies and energetic attachments.
  9. Weak energy field that is not prepared to work at high frequency.

In the video above, I go over each of these points in detail.  

Akashic Records Meditation

If you already have a practice for opening the Records that you were initiated into, it is best to stick to and work with the channel of the teacher who you are already connected to. But if you don't have a teacher, or just dabbled with practices here and there without much happening, you may wish to try this meditation that opens the Akashic Records for you.

How I Became an Akashic Record Reader

In this podcast, I share my own story of how I went from zero to a professional reader. It was definitely not a linear journey!

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