by Inga Kastrone

Who are Ascended Masters and High Beings

October 17, 2023 | Advanced Souls and Mission, Spiritual Development

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  • Who are Ascended Masters and High Beings

Ascended masters and high beings exist beyond the physical plane, in the higher dimensions of reality. They are our guides, helpers and advisors with a higher vantage point and uninterrupted connection to the pure Divine Light.

Some people (including myself) claim to work with, and receive guidance from ascended masters and high beings. Who are they?

Who are Ascended Masters?

The term ascended master comes from theosophy, a school of esoteric thought that was established in late 19th century by Helena Blavatsky. In basic terms, ascended masters are those beings who have completed their cycle of earthly incarnations and now assist humanity from higher planes. They have worked through their karma and purified themselves. They are the enlightened masters, the teachers of humanity, whose stories we know from various religions and spiritual traditions.

Each one of us has a connection to at least one ascended master, someone we resonate deeply with. Often this connection stretches over several lifetimes. We may have been their student or follower, part of their inner circle, an initiate into the mysteries with them, and eventually formed a deep connection at the soul level. When you call on such an ascended master, such as Jesus, you feel an immediate connection, a shift in vibration.

High Beings

The term high beings has different meanings for different people. Some define high beings as those who have a fully realized I AM presence, but have not incarnated as humans. However, the line between those who incarnated and those who did not is often blurred.

For example, we have myths of Hindu and Greek gods walking the earth and living very human lives. In Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions, humans ascended into heaven and became archangels — namely, Metatron/Enoch/Idris and Sandalphon/Elijah. We can also remember Jesus seen as an incarnation of God in Christianity, or Kwan Yin who was born male, refused ascension in order to serve humanity and women especially and is considered a goddess of compassion.

In my work, I use the term high beings to refer to “gods” and archangels that I work with. I call on them for healing, protection, guidance and help. All high beings are there to help us realize our own I AM presence and see ourselves as a part of all-that-is. Their energies and egregores (channels) are very powerful, as people have sometimes worked with them for millennia.

Because we may have worked with the same ascended masters, high beings and teachers for many lifetimes, we will find that we connect with some of them incredibly easily, while others are just at the periphery of our attention.

Here are some ascended masters and high beings that I personally work with:

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is a spiritual warrior and protector with a very high and pure vibration. We can call on him for energy clearing, entity removal and for deliverance from addictions, bad habits or unwanted behavior patterns. He has the capacity of bringing clarity and alignment with the “right path,” our Tao, into our lives.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael assists with healing and opening the heart. I call on him when I work with the heart center, and for clearing grief, which is often energetically stored in the heart and lungs. Archangel Raphael has a very soothing gentle presence, bringing in loving-kindness and tenderness to everyone who calls on him. He is also often associated with the color green.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is one of the most mysterious beings in esoteric spirituality, and is mentioned in mystical Judaism, Islam and Christianity. According to kabbalistic texts and apocryphal books, patriarch Enoch, an ancestor of Noah, ascended into heaven and became the highest Archangel, a guardian of the book of the Records. In the Islamic tradition, Metatron is called the angel of the veil and is regarded as a heavenly scribe.

In Islam, the Hebrew prophet Enoch is identified as Idris. Idris taught writing to humanity and was taken up bodily into heaven. The ancient Greeks equated Metatron with Thoth the Egyptian, whom they called Hermes Trismegistus (three times great). Hermes was revered as the bringer of knowledge and magical arts to humanity. In Hermeticism, Thoth is said to have come from Atlantis to teach the Egyptians sacred knowledge

Based on this, Archangel Metatron is associated with the Akashic Records, esoteric (hidden) knowledge and connection to higher levels of reality, including extraterrestrial beings. I call on him for upgrades of higher out of body chakras, strengthening of the galactic cord and the central channel, as well as for work in the Akashic Records.

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon, sometimes associated with the prophet Elijah who ascended into Heaven, is an angel of music and communication. He is also the angel of the Earth and the material sphere, including materialization of thought forms. I call on him to assist starseeds and advanced souls with grounding and bringing more energy into the lower chakras.

Ascended Master Jesus

Most people have at the very least heard about Jesus, whom Christians also believe to be a son of God. Outside the Christain tradition, Jesus is also highly revered in Islam, the Bahai and Sikh religions, the Hare Krishna movement and many others. In theosophy and modern day New Age traditions, Jesus is seen as the bringer of Christ consciousness into the world.

Jesus is an ascended master who is known for his compassion and love, and can help with opening the heart and connecting to the Divine. Jesus receives everyone without pre-conditions. He is also good to work with for healing the masculine-feminine split, and especially for restoring the masculine templates.

Ascended Master Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene, the disciple and consort of Jesus, and the first witness of his resurrection, is an Ascended Master and Teacher of the Path of Love. I call on her especially for relationship healing between twin flames and soul connections. She is also a guide in healing grief and the wounds of separation — be it from loved ones, or feeling separate from the Divine and its joy.

Mary Magdalene, as an initiate of the Divine Feminine path (many say she was a priestess of Isis), can also help with healing feminine templates, especially if you have experienced sexual abuse and trauma.

According to some initiates with a background in Buddhism, Mary Magdalene achieved rainbow body in her lifetime, thus becoming a fully realized being. This places her on the same footing with other ascended masters from various traditions.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary, deeply revered in the Catholic tradition and Islam (although in very different ways) is somewhat a misunderstood figure for many. According to the Christian tradition, she was the mother of Jesus, who miraculously conceived him without having sexual relations with a man. While many people dismiss this story as just one of religious fairy tales, there are other myths about virgin goddesses giving birth without a man. One such myth is Isis giving birth to Horus.

Mother Mary has a “light” side, of a gentle loving and compassionate mother goddess, and a darker, more chtonic side that is expressed in Black Madonna cults. In terms of healing work, Mother Mary helps with childhood sexual abuse, heart healing and healing the mother wound.


The Hindu goddess Kali has been often over-simplified in New Age circles as a vehicle for channeling anger, or as a destructive aspect of the Divine Feminine. But Kali is a very ancient, non-dual deity and an archetype of the Divine Mother. A Mother who is the Source of everything, tender and merciless, the beginning and the end, the darkness and the light, the black hole of the absolute yin and the “pregnant nothingness” around whom the world revolves.

Kali is Time, and to some extent even the world itself, in all its brutality and tenderness. I call on Kali for protection and strength, to defend me against those who try to abuse their power over me. Kali is also a guide to enlightenment and ego death. She is very tender and protective with those who are not allowing their egos to run the show.

How Can Ascended Masters Help Us?

We can ask the ascended masters and high beings for healing and support, protection and strength, opening or closing of doors and opportunities, healing or assistance with finances. The beings I personally work with are there to assist humanity, and all they require is for us to ask.

Often, we begin resonating with a particular master or high being after hearing their story, or visiting their shrine. For most people currently living on Earth, such meeting is an activation of a past life memory, and often also an activation of past life powers.

Do you feel drawn towards a particular being or master? Have you felt their presence in your life? Does their story speak to you personally?

I encourage you to deepen and develop that connection, and get support and nurturing from it. Just ask for a high being to come through for you and to feel their energy, as well as to clear any blocks and obstructions between you. In my healing and guidance sessions, I always work with the masters and high beings that you are connected to.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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