Inga Kastrone

What is the significance of dreams? Are they just a way for our mind to process the events of the day, or are they an opening to more expanded states of consciousness?Most of us have had at least one dream

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Exploring the Significance of Dreams

Everybody talks about twin flames these days. Is he my twin flame? Are we meant to be together? I can't forget my twin flame, how can I heal? When will I find my twin flame? Is there a twin flame

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Twin Flames and Quantum Alchemy of Relationships

How can an ⁠Akashic Record reading⁠ help find clarity and life purpose? How does the soul-level perspective that comes through in an Akashic Record reading help our growth on a path of healing and service?One misunderstanding that I encounter quite often

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How a Soul-Level Perspective Can Help Gain Clarity

How can the Akashic Records help us heal and discover our true essence? And what is healing? Is it the same as curing — or is it something more?In this interview with Valeria Teles, I delve into the nature of

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Healing through the Akashic Records

One of the greatest differences between ourselves and our ancestors is the use of the symbolic mind — as opposed to the conceptual mind.Most of us have been trained and educated to prioritize the rational and the linear. In our

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The Symbolic Mind: The Language of the Universe?

Sometimes we have a tendency to view a spiritual path as being something "up there" or "out there." Being spiritual is seen as almost a rebellion, a separation from those others who don't get it.We are spiritual — they are

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Bearing Spiritual Fruit: with Courtney Thomas

Exorcism and the demonic is a topic that can either be blown out of proportion, or dismissed entirely. Some people see the demonic everywhere, including in the manifestations of our own ego and lack of self-restraint. Some will say that a

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Interview with an Exorcist

What's it like, to have psychic surgery? I have heard many strange stories of people cured from terminal diseases, tumors removed and bodies realigned — but I've never actually met anyone who had the experience. Nor was I very sure where

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Psychic Surgery & The Body as Ascension Vehicle

How can the ⁠Akashic Records⁠ contribute to world peace, and what does Albert Einstein have to do with it?In the past year, I delved deeply into the imaginal realm, the world of symbols and patterns, which to me is deeply connected

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Einstein, the Imaginal Realm and the Akashic Field

How to release one's ego when communicating with Spirit? In this conversation with Brandi Van, a psychic development mentor, we talk about the ego and how it can potentially block us from developing our psychic gifts. We have been conditioned to

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How to Release the Ego When Communicating with Spirit?

 Coming soon

Initiation Through the Elements

Exploring the elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and the Akasha in 5 guided journeys and healing transmission sessions


September 2024 Series

Elemental Initiations