If I were to ask you about your money story, what would it be?
Is your relationship with money full of fear? Longing? Defeat? Strife and inner battle? Constant lack? Or constant tension?
Do you experience money as a nourishing mother, luscious, abundant, luxurious? Or ever-fertile, infinitely multiplying like the fruit of the Earth?
Maybe you recognize its cycles and the natural rhythm of ebb and flow, the feminine pulse of money and nurturing. Or maybe you are still trying to approach it in the linear and masculine way, wondering what on earth may be wrong with you. Or it may be that the masculine way works for you at this point and you are enjoying your relationship with money.
Your money story, your relationship with money, is a mirror of your energetic and spiritual state. Whatever your money story is, shows the best way to get to know you — spiritually, physically and energetically.
Money is not linear. It's not about rich or poor. Money is not the root of all evil — nor is it the root of all pleasure.
I know many rich people who are absolutely miserable, and many people who are poor by western standards, whose riches I would love to have.
My own money story was one of lack, loss and fear. I had to survive on my own in a very brutal reality. Wanting support on the one hand (who doesn't?) and not expecting it one the other (the classic orphan archetype as they call it). But mine is also a story of reliance on the Creator and the miracle of surrender. Of power and abundance received.
I believe we need to know and face our money story in order to know ourselves. It will show us where we need to heal, where we feel unsupported and undernourished. Our money story can explain our relationships and even explain our love story.
In this heartfelt conversation with Janet Kendrick we talk about our money story and how it is a mirror of our relationship with the Divine, with ourselves, with our environment, our family and our ancestors. Money is a mirror of our wounding — and of our recovery.
We also talk about:
- money as a teacher and a mirror
- your money archetypes and what they say about you
- God/ Creator and money
- money as a mirror of our capacity for trust and accepting nourishment
A lot of energy was moving and shaking when we were recording this conversation, and I had to edit some parts because Zoom would freeze!
Connecting with Janet was a true blessing. Born into an unstable home, Janet grew up without emotional and financial support from her father due to his mental illness. With a strong desire for happiness, healthy relationships, and financial freedom, she healed as an adult, learning to trust life, tap into love and prosperity, and help others do the same.
Janet helps clients better understand our energy as currency, how to align it with our values, identify self-sabotaging beliefs, and re-imprint themselves with new beliefs to make empowered choices. By understanding their strengths and creating healthy boundaries, women crack open, learning to courageously move through challenges and ignite hope for their prosperity.
Akashic Record Readings
Most clients drawn to my work are highly sensitive souls who recognize there is more to their Earth experience than just going through the motions — but feel they have become stuck and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being.
In an Akashic Record reading, I explain the templates that define your life, your blocks to manifesting, as well as how it ties in with your soul origins and your soul/ancestral history.