Our consciousness creates our reality — how can it be? What does it even mean?
We often hear that we create our reality, that we are conscious co-creators, that we have those infinite possibilities inside us. But this is not a New Age fad, or a recent trend to sell more manifestation and abundance courses.
Many religious and spiritual traditions maintain that we really are co-creators of our reality. Why? Because we were created in the image of the Divine. Because we were endowed with Divine qualities, Divine attributes that allow us to be representatives of the Divine on Earth.
Or, to put it differently, we are the eyes with which the Divine looks at the world, and the hands with which the Divine interacts with the world.
We have the ability and the power to influence our lives and the world around us using the power of our consciousness. And we do. We do that every day. Our consciousness reflects back to us in the situations of our lives, be they good or bad.
It is important to understand that our consciousness not only observes the world around us, but also actively influences it. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can change situations and events around us.
I have met several people who, faced with challenges rooted in their unprocessed emotions and grief, decided they would observe what is happening. Observation is crucial in consciousness-expanding practices, such as vipassana. But we are not merely observers. Whether we want it or not, we are powerful co-creators of our reality.

If we believe that nobody loves us, we will continue to be drawn to situations where we are rejected, betrayed and unloved. Our power is so big, that we orchestrate events and situations that will keep mirroring this belief to us — until it is cleared.
On the positive side, if we wholeheartedly believe that something works — it usually will. This is known as the Placebo Effect — the belief that a treatment or solution to a problem will have a positive effect, even if it has no physical value. There is much research on that, and again, it shows how immensely powerful we are.
We can also visualize and manifest desires. Many athletes and entrepreneurs know this and use visualization regularly. They visualize their goals and achievements, dedicating time to see and feel victory before a sports match, or a successful closure of a deal before a sales meeting.
Yes, we can use the power of imagination and visualization to attract and create what we desire.
What we sometimes forget is that the power of consciousness does not replace work — a lot of hard work. An athlete still needs to train for hours and dedicate their whole life to their success. Just visualizing won't cut it.
Similarly, visualizations and affirmations will most likely do very little if you want to achieve a spiritual or emotional goal. Or, if you have diabetes, you can visualize yourself being healthy all day long — but without physical lifestyle changes you won't just magically wake up healthy one morning.
But how can you use this knowledge to create your reality?
First, be aware and open to new opportunities. Get an Akashic Record reading to learn about your limiting beliefs and begin working on them. Approach life with optimism and faith in your success. Find what fills you up. Greeting the sun in the morning? Listening to classical music? Doing yoga? Prayer? Meditation?
Second, practice replacing your limiting beliefs with new templates of who you are, cultivating deep faith in yourself and your goals. This includes meditation and affirmations, but often also means changing your environment, finding new friends to associate with, finding new hobbies and books to read, replacing destructive habits with habits that build you up, and so on.
And finally, visualization. Imagination is not just a fantasy in our heads. In fact, imagination connects us directly to the Akashic Records and the imaginal realm. Imagination speaks the language of symbols and patterns that is universal not just to all humans but to all animate and inanimate nature on Earth. Working with imagination and visualization is deeply healing and transformative on many levels.