by Inga Kastrone

Past Lives in an Akashic Record Reading

February 1, 2024 | Akashic Records, Healing Past Lives

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How much information about past lives do you get in an Akashic Record Reading?

Some people associate an Akashic Record Reading with a past life reading. They may want to find out who they were, where they lived, or what they did in their past lives. But an Akashic Record reading is so much more than merely a recounting of past lives.

Most of the clients that I work with have up to 100 lifetimes on Earth. Their souls have chosen to learn a vast variety of lessons, to incarnate in different circumstances, countries, and with different sets of skills. In some lifetimes, they may have died very young, in some they were victims, in others perpetrators. They were rich, poor, loved, unloved, beautiful and ugly. In short, their souls have already worked through a full spectrum of human experience.

When our souls individuate, they separate from the Divine and choose to experience the world through the eyes of a personality. While in a body, we experience this personality as separate from the world and from the source. Seen from a higher perspective, this separation is only an illusion. However, working with the experience of separation is path of purification. It allows us to raise the vibration of the Earth.

Our souls choose a multitude of ways to experience this separation. In one lifetime, we can be powerful and abuse our power, trampling on others or trying to manipulate their free will. In another lifetime, we may be on the receiving end of power abuse, and learn what it’s like to be disempowered and having our freedom restricted.

For an advanced soul, having an Akashic Record reading is much more than merely a recounting of past lives. Rather, the reading is an analysis of the main trends that are characteristic for this particular soul and that are at the core of major choices this soul makes. In other words, an Akashic Record reading gives a higher vantage point. In my own readings, I see the “fabric” that the soul is made of, its core essence.

This “fabric” would explain why certain choices have been made by the soul. Such choices may include vows of suffering or selfless service to humanity, a tendency to choose very difficult lifetimes, even agreements to be attacked by dark energies. Understanding why can be very empowering for a client, because they would finally be able to see the root cause of their issues.

The Akashic Records as such are a living field of information, a field that in-forms our reality. The Records are more that just a collection of facts. They actually shape our physicality. We can interact with them and be in-formed by them. They are non-local, which means they are not located in any particular “place.” Rather, the Akashic Field is everywhere, including within us.

Working with past lives in greater detail is a practice that is separate from an Akashic Record reading. Some of this work can be done in a past live regression. A past life regression is especially helpful if we need healing or emotional release of a past life trauma. Merely learning about a past life would not be sufficient in tat case.

The goal of our spiritual evolution is to reach full consciousness, which also includes knowing all of our previous incarnations. But this process requires inner work. It is not enough to just be told by someone else what our past lives were like, we need to consciously experience these memories again in order to be able to release them.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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