by Inga Kastrone

Soul Contracts and Life Lessons: a Higher Perspective

February 25, 2025 | Akashic Records

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What types of soul contracts do we have with people in our lives?

Every now and then I get a question: can you tell me about the soul contracts that I have with people in my life? This question often seemed very strange to me. A client wouldn’t specify which people they were interested in. It was just — who do I have soul contracts with?

As if I were somehow supposed to read them a long list of people who are meant to be in their lives (and presumably, also of those who were not meant to be!)

But this type of “reading” has nothing to do with the Akashic Records, or anything else that I know of. Just stop and think for a moment: does this even sound realistic? Can some random stranger give you a random list of people who are for some inconceivable reason “meant” to be in your life? And if yes, what are you going to do with that list? And why?

So why do we believe such a list can be given?

The Myth of Soulmates

There is a pervasive myth in our culture that we are assigned a soulmate, the perfect “other half” whom we are meant to be with for the rest of our lives. And if our romantic life is not working out, it must mean that we have ether missed the opportunity to connect with that soulmate, or one is not available to us in this lifetime.

But this view ultimately puts us into a victim position, and does not account for all the quantum threads and potentials of real life.

Yes, it is true that we incarnate with a certain group of souls who are there to support us and teach us lessons. Yes, it is true that our romantic partner is our best teacher, in that they are our most perfect mirror. They help us see the parts of ourselves that would otherwise never become aware of. And as such, there may be no better path to evolve than through romantic relationships.

Some people will be more suited to fulfill that role, and some will only cause trouble. We train our hearts to love through romantic relationships, and even a heartbreak can be an opening into higher love.

But a soulmate is not someone “assigned” to you so you can live happily ever after with a white picket fence and perfect Instagram pictures. The concept of soulmates is to a great extent poetic imagination. What I mean is, a soulmate is not something you are entitled to — a soulmate, or lack of such, is just a reflection of who YOU are. Change who you are, and you change what you get.

Lessons Versus People

In my experience, what is written for us are the specific lessons we are meant to learn in this lifetime (rather than specific people we are meant to be with).

Our work is indeed set out for us. We can identify this work in our astrology chart, in an Akashic Record Reading, or through some other pattern recognition system, such as Human Design. From my perspective, our destiny is set in the patterns that we need to work through — although our responses to these patterns will vary depending on how much we are willing to grow.

What I mean is that from my perspective, we have a set of lessons to learn and patterns to transmute.

For example, we need to learn to stand in our power rather than constantly give it away to others. Or to learn to take responsibility over our finances. There may be positions in your astrological chart, for example, that would indicate financial difficulties. Or romantic difficulties, for that matter.

But it is not what is “meant to be”. Situations are a means to an end.

The only thing meant to be are your lessons. If you learn your lesson faster, your difficulties transform. If you learn on the inner plane, you are not faced with harsh situations in the outer world. If you are not listening to the voice of your conscience and intuition, or are unwilling to learn the inner lessons, the situations will gradually escalate to cause difficulties in the outer world.

Teachers Change, Lesson Remains

Let’s think of an example. Let’s say your partner was meant to teach you a lesson of self-love. Instead, you chose to cling to them as the only source of love, they had to love you. The tension will gradually become stronger. Maybe your relationship will start showing cracks and get progressively more difficult. Or you will find someone else who you think loves you “more”. You can even go through multiple relationships, while all the time wondering why no one loves you the way you want them to.

You may even start asking psychics and readers: “who is written for me? who am I meant to be with?” Answers may vary, but in the end, they will still lead to the same underlying lesson.

The teachers may change, but the lesson remains. Sooner or later, in this lifetime or next, you will need to face all the blocks within you than prevented you from loving yourself. In a true, balanced, deeply empowered way.

It will not be easy.

But it will never be about a list of soulmates or a list of soul contracts. Of course you have soul contracts with all the important people in your life. Of course people are the most important thing in the universe. Every human being carries the whole cosmos within them. But so do you. And the whole cosmos will keep shifting and moving until you see your own power in the great mystery of life. Until you have completed your lessons.

How Can the Akashic Records Help?

Like any pattern recognition system, an Akashic Record reading can help identify major life lessons and blocks that you are working on. The Akashic Records can also help in clearing and shifting stuck energy, taking you to another level.

It is also possible to identify soul contracts with people close to you, if there are specific people you are interested in. After having read the above, you may have already identified some of the soul contracts that you have with your loved ones. It’s not about who you are meant to be with. It’s about what you are meant to learn.

Just a shift in perspective — people in your life are there to show you some part of yourself that you otherwise would have never seen. In the same way, you are a mirror to them and they have their own lessons and their own path.

We can all change people and countries and jobs — some of us who are explorer souls do it quite often! Sometimes people or places help us awaken parts of ourselves that would otherwise have never come “online”. That is also a soul contract.

The most important thing does not change, though — you. How does it affect you? How has it built you up or brought you down? And what have you learned from being brought down? In the end, all of these soul contracts boil down to you coming into your power and purifying your own piece of the the magical puzzle that the world is.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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Soul Contracts and Life Lessons: a Higher Perspective

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