
by Inga Kastrone

7 Signs of Healing on the Twin Flame Journey

October 15, 2023 | Soul Relationships

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  • 7 Signs of Healing on the Twin Flame Journey

Twin flame journey can be a rough ride. It often begins as a cloud of bliss, awakening and oneness, taking us to the highest levels of awareness. When our pain bodies become activated and old wounds come to the surface, the process of purification begins. This can be likened to the most excruciating dark night of the soul. For many, it seems that the pain of separation, felt acutely on so many levels, will just never come to an end.

This purification is part of the twin flame process, but it is by no means the end of it. The journey is actually meant to bring us healing, not pain and despair. Below, I list some of the signs of healing for awakened twin flames.

Inner Peace

Intrusive thoughts about your twin decrease in frequency and eventually disappear. They are replaced by inner peace.

Once our egoic resistance is broken, once we are sufficiently healed and reach higher levels of consciousness, we find inner peace. This peace is not conditional on our outward circumstances, on what is happening in the physical world. Rather, it is rooted in the bigger picture, which we are now able to see.

Inner peace is both a gift and a call to engage more deeply with our mission on this planet. From a place of inner peace, we can help others heal and find their mission.

You No Longer “Need to Know”

Your need to know when and where the reunion will happen diminishes, and you are no longer interested in what your twin is doing. You are no longer trying to influence their healing process, to heal them or change them. You are no longer asking psychics and intuitives how your twin is doing, how to clear dark spells that someone placed on them and what kind of healing work do they need to do.

This is a very liberating place, where you can finally focus on your own healing.

At this stage, you can begin seeing that perhaps this compulsive need for knowing when and how and why was only a way to escape the pain. And it was necessary at the time, but now you can begin connecting with your own heart, saving yourself, building your own life. Your twin will never give you what you cannot give to yourself.

Forgiveness and Compassion

Anger, fear and resentment transform into understanding and acceptance. With greater healing comes forgiveness and compassion — towards the self, towards the Twin, and towards anything or anyone perceived as the Other.

Forgiveness and compassion increase with the increase of self-love. We stop playing the blame game and accept full responsibility for our lives, including our mistakes.

But accepting responsibility does not mean blaming ourselves for our mistakes and failures, or excusing those who abused us. We begin seeing those who hurt us as an expression of unhealed parts of ourselves. We recognize that we cannot change them, and turn our compassion towards ourselves — our wounded inner child, our overactive inner protector, our disconnect from the Divine within.

Once we learn to embrace ourselves just the way we are, we shift from blaming and judging others into love. True love that knows firm boundaries and power.

A Journey Into Oneness

With greater sense of acceptance and compassion towards the self, our egoic self begins dissolving into the Divine. We are now able to perceive ourselves as a part of the whole. The excruciating pain of separation gradually gives way to a sense of inter-connectedness of all life.

With this also comes the ability to not tie your self-worth to what your twin does, or does not do. If they are being self-destructive or abusive, it not because of you.

No longer a sliver in a hostile environment, you are now able to establish meaningful connection with people. More than this, you begin to see that this is somehow all One — ourselves, the Divine, the Twin and the Others. It is as if you are able to glimpse the Unity of all existence more and more often, gradually releasing self-identification with the pain of separation.

Letting Go

As we heal, we begin recognizing that we cannot ever lose our twin. We are no longer clinging or grasping to our version of events, but rather begin allowing, accepting the NOW. Letting go should not be confused with indifference, resignation or avoidance. In fact, letting go is one of the most difficult things to do on the spiritual path. It is surrender to the Divine, to our Higher Self, to the Universe.

Letting go means refusing to let our ego attempt to take control. Instead, we surrender the ego — which often feels like dying — and gradually open up to a higher perspective. Surprisingly, instead of dying, we find joy and inner peace.

An Established Spiritual Practice

As our social conditioning and self-identification with our wounds begin to dissolve, we are often left without anything to hold on to. This is true of all paths to awakening, including the twin flame journey.

The religion we may have identified with suddenly loses no meaning, our moral foundations and beliefs dissolve in the fiery transformation that the twin flame connection brings. It can take many (many!) years to rebuild ourselves and find a new sense of being, a purpose and a meaning that is grounded in REALITY rather than our social conditioning or automatic robotic existence that we were used to living.

It can also take years to establish, or re-establish, a spiritual practice that would serve to support us on the path. Whichever form our practice takes, we need to be watchful that we do not set this form above any other. Our practice is a discipline, but it is not set in stone, and may continuously transform as we progress.

Capacity to Bear Paradox

In very basic terms, a paradox means union of the seemingly opposite statements. Both this is true and its exact opposite is true. A paradox points us to the reality higher than either of the opposing statements. In spiritual terms, the capacity to bear paradox begins with an understanding that your path is not the only one, and your understanding of the world is not the ultimate reality.

The twin flame journey is in itself a path of uniting opposites. It teaches us that the little I, our individual self, is ultimately an illusion, a veil hiding reality. And the reality is Union. In that reality, “I” does not exist. At the same time we are constantly made aware that everything we see, everything that happens, is a projection of this “I”, of our beliefs, ideas, our wounds that we seek to heal. The “I” is both the veil and the manifestation of reality.

As we become more comfortable with paradox, we also progress spiritually, elevating our consciousness.

twin flames

Twin flame path is not the path of destruction, pain and suffering — it is the path of healing. Healing in twin flame connection is addressed towards our whole being. It is healing between ourselves and the Divine, healing between parts of ourselves, our subpersonalities, it is healing of the past, present and future.

This is why every twin flame connection is a gateway into Divine Union, which is so much more than just a perfect “relationship” we often imagine when we first meet our Twin. Ultimately, the connection calls us into a holistic state of oneness with all that is — which also includes our Twin.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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