by Inga Kastrone

What Can a Soul Blueprint Reading Reveal About You?

February 2, 2024 | Advanced Souls and Mission, Akashic Records

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Are you wondering whether a soul blueprint reading may be for you? In the context of the Akashic Records, we often speak about soul blueprint and how an Akashic Record reading can help you understand your soul blueprint. But what does a blueprint even mean when we talk about a soul? How can a soul have a blueprint?

In architecture, a blueprint implies design. This means that an architect or a designer must have worked on the blueprint and presented it as a plan to be manifested into reality. This idea, the implication that our souls, not just our bodies, are made according to some pattern, designed for a particular purpose, is the concept behind soul blueprint readings.

In the tradition that I work in, this design of a soul is encoded into the Akashic Records. Even more, the Akashic Records themselves are the designer! Your soul blueprint is a pattern, energy, the weave of your soul. It is the song of your soul, the fabric that your soul is made of. Just like an architectural blueprint is a plan for a future building, a soul blueprint is a plan for your soul.

Just like an architectural blueprint is a plan for a future building, a soul blueprint is a plan for your soul.

There is a Sufi story that when the Divine told the soul to go inside a human body, the soul refused. The body was so limited, so weak and dense, that the soul was shocked at the proposition. “What is this that you are telling me to do?!” No amount of persuasion could convince the soul to incarnate.

Then the Creator made sound and music. And the soul listened to the music and was in ecstasy. That ecstatic joy made the soul enter the body without reservation. Since then, they say, every soul has its song, its unique sound signature, the music of the spheres that caused it to incarnate into physical reality… When the soul hears its own song, it goes into ecstasy and spins in joy.

Soul Blueprint in the Akashic Records

When we speak of a soul blueprint in the context of the Akashic Records, we understand it as a structure of the soul. A soul blueprint a specific makeup that makes a soul choose incarnation.

This soul blueprint defines what areas of reality the soul chooses to work on (such as love, relationships, contemplation, enlightenment, healing, passion, belief systems, polarities, creativity, and so on). Reading a soul blueprint tells us what makes the soul sing — and what doesn’t.

What does a soul blueprint look like, or feel like?

As I mentioned, in architecture and design, a blueprint is a technical drawing, a plan of a building or its structural template. When we speak about a soul, we use the word “blueprint” in a similar sense. A soul blueprint is the design of a soul.

How exactly we perceive it depends on the reader’s capacity to see the spirit world. Someone might see a soul blueprint as a literal code or a sacred geometric structure. This is how a soul blueprint comes up for me in my readings. I then interpret the meaning of that structure through the gift of claicognizance.

A different reader reader may interpret a soul blueprint based on an astrological chart, or a Human Design profile, or another reading system. Often, I have had clients tell me that the information I gave them was exactly what they received in an astrology reading, even though I used a purely intuitive approach and my access to the Akashic Records.

What Does a Soul Blueprint Look Like?

Because a soul is not visible to our physical 5 senses, its blueprint is not a scroll or a description fixed in stone and hidden in a chamber somewhere. The quantum realm, the realm of the Akashic Records, is by nature open to interpretation and multiple meaning. There are no words and sentences in the Akashic Records. A soul blueprint is not cast in lead, or in stone.

In my experience, the Akashic Records hold the frequency of an individual soul blueprint. I see information stored in code and symbols. Thus we can say that your soul blueprint is a combination of code and frequency, which a reader may see as words, numbers, symbols or sound.

Spiritual Activation in a Soul Blueprint Reading

When we access this soul code, we automatically switch it on. In the spirit world, when you notice something, it notices you. This applies universally, for any spiritual phenomena. This is also true on a psychological level, in that our mind begins to see what we are thinking about.

For example, when you begin working with sacred sound, you may start seeing books on sound healing and meeting sound healers everywhere you go. People you thought knew nothing about sound healing, would start bringing up the subject in conversations.

But you may also start receiving songs and sound frequencies in your dreams and meditations. You may suddenly realize that a particular sound is needed to balance the energy of an organ or chakra. And as you tone that sound, you may start witnessing changes and realignment.

This means, the sound has “noticed” you. You are establishing a relationship. And like every relationship, it is a give and take, a two-way flow of communication. You talk to Sound, and the Sound talks to you.

Something similar happens when we work with soul blueprint in the Akashic Records. In a reading, you establish a relationship. Now you have seen the blueprint of your soul (even if for one second and as if through a fog). You can start communicating with it and allow it to in-form, en-liven, en-soul your awareness. This is what a soul blueprint reading does on the highest levels. It brings you into a relationship with your soul.

What Practical Information Can I Get in a Soul Blueprint Reading?

Apart from establishing a relationship with your soul, and the Akashic Records, your soul blueprint reading can give you insights on:

  • The real you. Who you are at a deep level, at the bottom of your heart, at the root of your soul. When all the masks are dropped, who do you see in the mirror? Who does the Divine see?
  • Your true purpose and mission for this lifetime
  • Gifts and skills that help you embody that purpose (including your psychic and creative gifts)
  • Challenges and lessons that you are facing in this lifetime
  • Specific practices and exercises that can help you embody your soul blueprint more fully at this time
  • What you can do to release old patterns

Recurring Numbers and Blueprint Code

When we keep seeing recurring numbers, such as 11:11 or 555 or 777, it means we have activated some aspect of our blueprint code. Recurring numbers are messages to us to pay attention to what is going on in our lives. They may have a specific meaning, or be a general “attention” signal. Recurring numbers show us that some aspect of our soul blueprint has now become activated.

If you start noticing that certain numbers are continuously popping up in your life, it is good to keep a daily journal of dreams and events. You can certainly look up the numerological meaning of individual numbers, but your experience is unique, as is your soul blueprint.

Through observing your own experience, you will gradually learn the code through which the Universe speaks to you. You may be surprised that your lucky number is 13, and 7 is unlucky, or that Saturn is a planet of growth and power, and not a malevolent influence. Because guess what. You are you. Your soul blueprint is unique in the whole Universe. Yes, the whole Universe that contains billions of galaxies has only one soul like yours.

The Akashic Records give us a deeper understanding of who we are at the soul level. Ultimately, the ourpose of every reading is to remind you that you are your own reader and your own guide. Because there is no one like you in the entire Universe.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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