
Know Yourself in the Akashic Records

Soul blueprint & galactic origin reading

Blocks that keep you stuck

Information field of the Universe

High frequency energy attunements

Reading the Akashic Records

Why an Akashic Record Reading?

Why get an Akashic Record reading? Perhaps, you are on a journey of spiritual awakening and and felt called to the Akashic Records because you wish to reconnect with your soul. To remember who you are. Perhaps, someone told you about the Records and the clarity that they received in a reading. Regardless your reasons, wanting to connect with the Akashic Records is never a coincidence. 

But what are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records can be roughly described as the memory of our planet. More specifically, the Akashic Records are a quantum field that gives form to our reality, and registers important events that occur. Therefore, in an Akashic Record reading, we don't just get random information — we work with a Field that gives form to our bodies, emotions, and ultimately, the whole world around us.

The first time we open your Akashic Records, we connect to your soul blueprint. It is a quantum event. 

Do you feel called to get an Akashic Record reading? 

  • Are you on a path of spiritual awakening?
  • Do you feel the need to know yourself on a deeper level?
  • Are you searching for greater wholeness and integrity in life?
  • Do you seek to understand the meaning behind events and relationships in your life? See the bigger picture of it all?
  • Are you trying to make sense of a soul-awakening relationship?

If you answered YES to some or all of these questions, an Akashic Record reading might be exactly what you are looking for! 

What we work with in an Akashic Record reading 

  • your soul history, including your galactic origins, if relevant;
  • traumatic soul memories and repeating mistakes;
  • soul-level blocks to abundance, health, and building lasting relationships;
  • soul-level reasons for issues and problems that you are working with;
  • who you are at the soul level as opposed to what the wounded parts of your personality believe you are;
  • your mission — what your soul really wants to do;
  • potential pathways to healing and realignment

An Akashic Record reading introduces you to who you are at the soul level.  

As an example, a Akashic Record reading can help you answer the following questions:

  • What do I need to learn to resolve my current issues/lessons/problems?
  • Are my issues rooted in past/entangled lives? Ancestral history?
  • How does my galactic history influence me? 
  • How can I work with my guides/ masters / soul group?
  • Is this country or location aligned with my path and energy? What is the purpose of me being in a certain country or place?
  • Why am I having the same experiences over and over again, be it in relationships, business, or spiritual life? Note that often these
  • What is the soul story behind my romantic connection? Is this my twin flame or soulmate? 
  • What money blocks do I have? Can any of them be resolved?
  • Are there any soul-level issues that influence my physical or mental health, and what can I do to improve it?

For deeper work, you can check out my healing sessions or inquire about Harmonic Reconnection Healing packages. 

Questions in the Akashic Records

Soul-Level Clarity 

Experience the power of community with our weekly meditation sessions

We're gathering every week on Zoom for a 30-minute Tibetan breathwork and healing transmission meditation. In March, the meditations are on alternating Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8:30 am PST, 5:30 pm CET  

Hi, I'm Inga

MA, MPhil, Biomancy diploma

I'm an ordained minister, energy therapist and spiritual counselor. I'm also an Akashic Record reader and a teacher of sacred dance, currently living on the island of Gozo in the Mediterranean. The focus of my work is bringing balance to body, mind and soul. 

For the past decade, I worked with hundreds of advanced and sensitive souls who struggled with being present in their body and feeling a sense of belonging on Earth. This led me to look for more grounded, Earth-based teachings to balance energetic and spiritual sensitivity of my clients. I developed my own holistic healing modality, Harmonic Reconnection Healing.  

I'm here to assist my clients in living from their soul, facilitating their evolution in harmony with the magical universe. 

Ready to book your Akashic Record Reading?

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