
by Inga Kastrone

Are There Questions the Akashic Records Cannot Answer?

May 2, 2024 | Akashic Records

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  • Are There Questions the Akashic Records Cannot Answer?

When we first connect to the Akashic Records, and discover this amazing storehouse of information, we also learn the importance of asking the right questions. But are there questions that the Akashic Records cannot answer? And which questions should we ask?

“Reading” the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a high-vibrational “library” or “database.” They exist outside the boundaries of time and space, because they form time and space as we know them. However, we, the ones who access the Records, exist in time and space.

To understand how the reading works and what type of information we can access, we first need to understand what the Akashic Records are.

I find it useful to think of the Records as a library, without taking the metaphor too literally.

Just like any library, the Akashic Records need a method to access the information. When you come into a library doing research, you want to receive answers that are relevant and practically useful. For that, one typically needs the assistance of an experienced librarian.

Just like any earthly library, the Records also contain knowledge that is not useful. Spending days browsing through books you don’t understand, or need, is not an enriching experience — it’s a waste of time.

If I wanted to read a book on astrophysics or quantum mechanics, believing that as long as I am able to read, I could use them — I wouldn’t have gone far. I would really need to have studied these subjects to understand the information in the books.

The same principle applies in working with the Akashic Records. The Records are a quantum space. They are not just “energy,” they are information, the basic building block of the universe. In the quantum space of the Records, we are only able to receive the information that we can process and understand at this time. We simply cannot see beyond our current horizon, beyond what our mind is currently capable of translating.

In addition, most people and readers work with the Akashic Records though guides. This is the easiest way, as it is their guidance that filters information for them. Over the years, I learned more precise methods of working with the Akashic Records directly. I approach the Akashic Records as code, a field that sometimes delivers information as symbols and colors, sometimes as direct knowing, and sometimes as an energy burst.

However, most people approach the Records for practical reasons, because they want specific answers to specific questions. So ultimately, the easiest way for a reader is still to ask for guidance, in order to be able to filter the information.

Questions About the Future

The most unproductive questions, from the Akashic perspective, are related to the future. For us, living in time and space, future is in the process of being created in the now. While the events of our future may (or may not) be predetermined, our reaction to those events is entirely up to us. This brings up a very important spiritual lesson that every seeker needs to learn at some point — trust and surrender to the Real. But there is more to it.

While the events of our future may be predetermined, our reaction to those events is entirely up to us

Since the Akashic Records are a quantum space, they are not static and set in stone. Being obsessed with the future creates chaotic timelines, because it brings out opposing potentials into reality. Let’s imagine you are asking a psychic about the future of your relationship. “Oh, you’ll get married within 3 years!” she says. You call a couple more. Another one is not so optimistic, and says the guy has some issues, and you may just get tired of him within 2 years. The third one says not to worry, he will call you next week.

Each of these psychics, however well-meaning, have now brought out a pure potential (from our human perspective) into reality. None of them have actually done anything productive, except feed your ego and maybe calm you down a bit. The only thing that has changed is the stability of the progression of your relationship. Now we really have no idea what is going to happen.

Meddling with the future without proper guidance may discourage the seeker from taking the most spiritually productive course of action. Usually, knowledge of important events is hidden even from the best psychics, because it would interfere with a lesson that a soul has contracted to learn.

I remember reading a piece by a Russian general who was involved in psy-research in the Soviet KGB. They worked with amazing psychics and healers who were truly gifted. The general felt amused that none of them were able to predict the collapse of the Soviet Union. Perhaps it is best for us not to know, he said…

Productive Ways of Asking About the Future

Are there productive ways to work with the future? Productive future predictions always give an opportunity to change our present habits and actions in order to avoid a negative future outcome. In other words, productive future predictions are warnings. If you continue in the same way, something bad is going to happen, change your actions now!

This is very different from predictions that take our power away. I have had people ask when will someone call them, what will the court decision be, or when will they leave their job. Needless to say, it never worked out the way they thought it could be predicted. By the time someone is ready to work with the Akashic Records, future predictions will no longer live up to old expectations.

This beings said, some future trajectories are obvious. If you mess with universal laws, you will be in trouble. If you neglect action, you will not achieve anything. Money will not fall from the sky, in most cases. Sometimes a situation is not what it seems to us. In this case, we are gently guided to change our course of action to a more fruitful one.

The icing on the cake is that it is possible to predict the future with stunning accuracy. Probably everyone has a story of some grandfather in their family who one day said, “it’s time,” lay down, and died. Many saints knew how their life would end, and could predict future outcomes for entire countries. The more we surrender, the easier it gets. If we are completely detached from the outcome, if we are aligned with our Soul, the guidance about future becomes more and more clear.

For most of us, however, cultivating trust is more crucial than reliance on predictions.

“When will I Find Love?”

Great, now we have this figured out, but — can the Akashic Records tell me when I will meet my twin flame? When will true love come into my life and finally make everything right? And what do I do to make it happen? As someone said to me, what kind of a mission do I need to be on to find true love? (that question must have perplexed their guides as much as it did me! I honestly don’t know to this day what kind of mission does one need to be on to find true love 🤔)

An Akashic Record reading is a spiritual activation. It’s not a fortune-telling reading. When someone asks about finding love, the deeper issue is almost always seeking fulfillment outside of themselves. It’s not that looking for love is unspiritual! Not at all! Love and relationships is one of the best ways to learn our lessons and evolve in this lifetime.

But let’s say you booked an Akashic Record reading because you want to find true love. You have no intention of doing healing work or finding our more about your blocks and restrictions. You just want to know what the Records “say” about where and when love is coming into your life. And the reason you are interested in twin flames is because you want one. Because you think your twin flame is your divine right to fulfilment.

Well… I have bad news. It doesn’t work like this. As long as you keep looking outside of yourself, twin flame love will remain a pipe dream.

Of course, some situations require more nuanced guidance. Many seemingly unproductive questions have great validity in context. As one of my friends says, the only stupid question is the one you didn’t ask.

There are no stupid questions in the Records. What we do need to be aware of is that we are approaching a higher-dimensional space where everything is seen from a different perspective.

Some of our concerns are completely turned around in a reading. We are guided to new levels of understanding and being that we didn’t see before. I learn something new in every reading, and I’ve been doing them for 10 years! The Akashic Records do not dispense information indiscriminately. We have to grow into them, and in the process of doing so, we are able to receive more and more, and be transformed as a result…

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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Akashic Records

Are There Questions the Akashic Records Cannot Answer?

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