
by Inga Kastrone

4 Essential Techniques for Strengthening Your Aura

February 20, 2024 | Embodiment, Spiritual Development

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In this article, I am going to look into some of the most effective ways of strengthening your aura. But why would you need to do that? Why increase your aura vibration, strengthen your auric field, and expand your energetic bandwidth?

The short answer is, strengthening your aura is very similar to building a good well-insulated house, or bringing a roomy enough suitcase with you on a shopping trip.

If you don’t have enough energetic capacity, you cannot expand. No matter how much you try manifesting, visualizing, attracting and clearing, there is simply no room in your suitcase! I mean, energy field. Or, if your energy field is expansive enough, but is distorted or very porous, you cannot hold on to what you receive. Your aura is your energetic home. Any damage or distortion in your field manifests in your physical reality.

This also applies to spiritual expansion and attempting to quickly raise your vibration or move a lot of energy through your body (such as in some dubious kundalini-raising or third-eye-opening practices). If you lack bandwidth to hold this much energy, you will collapse. Mentally, spiritually, and often physically.

So let’s look at 4 of the most essential techniques for strengthening your aura and expanding your bandwidth.

1. Energy Clearing

To continue with the house metaphor, cleaning is crucial to home maintenance. Whether we like it or not, all of us know that it’s not enough to just clean the house once and for all. We need to repeat over and over again.

Our bodies and energy fields are the same. It’s not that we are broken and need fixing, it’s just that we need to regularly clean out the dust and debris of our interactions with the world. This includes energetic cords, attachments and the energy of other people.

There are many ways of energy clearing, such as smudging, cord cutting visualizations, using the power of water and the elements, or asking the Spirit and high beings to clear your aura. Regardless of which form of energy clearing you choose, you begin with setting an intention. It is your intention that programs water, affects your energetic space and allows the cords to release.

I recommend doing energy clearing at least once daily.

2. Meditation for Strengthening your Aura

One of the most effective and accessible meditation techniques for strengthening your aura is connecting to sunlight. Sit or stand outside facing the sun, and visualize inhaling sunlight into your heart. As you do so, gradually visualize the heart filling up with sunlight, and begin expanding the light to reach out into every cell of your body. Then, continue expanding until you see the sunlight filling up your aura.

There are many variations of this particular meditation technique, with added breathwork and other components. But ultimately, all types of meditation and mindful awareness practices will help to strengthen your energy field. As a rule of thumb, if a meditative practice brings you peace, it also strengthens your aura.

3. Mind-Body Practices

In this category of aura-strengthening techniques we have various types of physical yoga, such as kundalini yoga, kriya yoga or ashtanga vinyasa, as well as tai chi, qigong, and other holistic mind-body practices. Underlying all of these techniques is the ancient wisdom that mind, body and spirit are not separate. Illnesses, whether mental or physical, come from imbalance. And we can restore balance through correct posture, breathing and moving the energy in our body.

For some Westerners, the concept of uniting physical and spiritual may seem “not good enough.” Sure, sure, I have to move my body, but how can I strengthen my aura? Can you give me an exercise to strengthen my aura? I could perhaps convince them that standing on the head for an hour could help with aura strengthening, but just moving the hands? No way! That’s too simple! Won’t help me, I’m too advanced for that!

This type of thinking is actually a symptom of serious mind-body-spirit separation, which is also part of our culture and upbringing. Truth is, nothing is truly separate, and nothing is higher or lower, it just has its right place. We don’t eat in a toilet and we don’t sleep when we dance — but it doesn’t mean that toilets are bad or sleeping is for weak people.

Practices that unite mind, body and spirit are crucial for strengthening your aura. They also aid with grounding and therefore manifesting. If we’re stuck in our heads most of the time, it is very difficult to ground any change in the physical world.

4. Grounding through the Elements

Working with the earth and elemental forces or fire, water and air is an ancient alchemical path to strengthening your aura and expanding your personal power. The elements are the building blocks of reality, both physical and spiritual. In some form, working with the elements was present in all ancient spiritual traditions.

In the context of strengthening your aura, grounding through the elements means establishing a relationship with earth, fire, air and water. It means sitting on the earth, and connecting your root and solar plexus to the fertile soil. Or establishing contact with plants and trees as wise teachers. Or watching water twirl and swirl in a mountain river. It means sitting with fire, allowing yourself to build a relationship with it, to watch it burn, to notice fire in your own body and energy field.

In my energy healing sessions, I work with elements in depth, connecting to them as living beings who can bring balance and transformation to your energy field. I also go into more specific and deeper practices that work at the quantum level on all aspects of our being.

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