by Inga Kastrone

The Divine Feminine: The Initiatrix of Twin Flame Union

April 17, 2024 | Sacred Feminine, Soul Relationships

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  • The Divine Feminine: The Initiatrix of Twin Flame Union

The Divine Feminine is the Initiatrix and guide of a twin flame connection. It is she who holds in her womb all potentials, ready to be birthed into reality.

Twin flame divine feminine is the one who initiates the Divine Masculine. She anoints him with sacred oil, guides him with her heart, leads on an energetic level. The Divine Masculine is then able to respond in the physical world. We can say that the Divine Feminine leads the Twin Flame Union energetically. She begins at a higher octave than the Divine Masculine.

The Divine Feminine Leads?

Most twin flame women I know will feel they need some time to wrap their heads around this statement. Leads how exactly?

He is away, partying and changing girlfriends every week, while I am here doing all the work by myself! We haven’t spoken in over a year. He doesn’t answer when I call. He doesn’t answer when I text. What are you, crazy, how can I even attempt to lead anything, if he just won’t change, no matter what I do?!

And yet, energetic leadership is an ancient template of the Divine Feminine counterpart in Sacred Union. We have glimpses of it even in (on the surface) male-dominated religions and traditions. In those, the woman is upheld as someone of a higher spiritual stature, whereas the man has the upper hand in “wordly” affairs. As we would have said now, in the 3D.

For example, kabbalistic Judaism teaches that a woman is more internal, whereas the man is more external. It is the woman who has a more intimate relationship with the Creator.

Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, a 12th century Islamic mystic, teaches that a man looks for a missing part of himself in a woman. He reaches knowledge of God through union with a woman. A woman, on the other hand, is complete within herself. What she is looking for in a relationship is to come home.


It is the Divine Feminine who holds the full potential of the Union in her heart and womb

The frequency of the heart of twin flame divine feminine carries her divine masculine. His spiritual state is not merely tied to, but dependent on her energy.

This might be the opposite of what you believe about relationships. On the outside, we may be used to men being in power, coming forward, or setting the tone for spiritual and material well-being of women. Down with the patriarchy? Well, not really. Energetically, it is the woman who makes the first step.

A twin flame man may be guided by his ego and say that he is the one who achieved everything. Or, in an opposite, but also egoic reaction, that he is not worthy of her love. I can’t give her what she needs. Regardless of his own spiritual state, to a great extent, he will be reacting to the energy of his Divine Feminine counterpart.

Why then do we have situations where many twin flame couples in separation have a woman as a more “awakened” one? It is often the woman who does all the healing work, the learning, the longing for Union and mission. The man is running away and refusing to see the truth. Where is the feminine power in that?

What is the missing piece?

The Descent of the Divine Feminine

The millennia old male-female conditioning that twin flames have come to transmute is, incidentally, also the greatest obstacle that stands in the way of their Union.

Most women are not in touch with their authentic power when they meet their Divine counterpart. They are very far from embodying the Divine Feminine in her glory — instead, they are a mirror of descended Sophia who came down to Earth and shattered into pieces.

They believe themselves to be weak and dependent. They are terrified of being alone, childless, not knowing the true measure and strength of their energy. They may have been doing really well in life — until they met their twin flame.

The Divine Feminine who used to think she was successful, strong and had a fairly decent spiritual life, would suddenly find herself clinging to every text message, questioning herself and her reality. Accepting codependency or abuse is suddenly not so off mark — she feels so deprived of light, that even small crumbs will do.

Terrified and shattered, she who once was the Queen, asks: “Does he love me?” “Did he really smile at me?” “When will he call me back?” “Do we have a chance?” “Can I spend 5 minutes with him once a year?” This energy is only a reflection of millennia of her descent into disempowerment.

She is anxious, not trusting herself, not trusting the connection, not believing it is even possible. Logically, it’s impossible, and logic is known to be better than imagination. Sure, one day, when someone tells her about twin souls, it will ignite a spark in her heart, and she will believe. But this belief will look a lot like wishful thinking unless she begins to peel off the layers of her conditioning and disempowerment.

Power, Not Blame

Whatever twin flame Divine Feminine may believe about herself, the masculine will respond to her fear. He will shrink and run away. Not that he is without issues. His issues are even bigger than hers. But he can’t give her what she can not give herself.

But here is one important point. In no way am I blaming the Divine Feminine for separation!

The Feminine has been blamed long enough.

For the apple in the Garden of Eden, for her sexuality, for her intuition, her thinking in spirals instead of straight lines — but at the root of all, for her power. And she accepted her loss of power and came to believe a man’s distorted image of herself.

This has nothing to do with blame, with “what am I doing wrong?” The more the Divine Feminine asks herself that question, the more she believes there is something wrong with her, the further she will push the Divine Masculine away.

What is the way forward? Observe your triggers, your fears, your doubts. They are like layers of veils to be peeled off. Underneath these veils, is your Union. With your true Self, with the Divine, with the Twin Soul.

A mission as monumental as this, raising the Divine Feminine from her shattered state, has never been undertaken before. Of course, it is difficult, it is seemingly impossible. And yet, this is your time to recover your glory.

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