
by Inga Kastrone

Allowing for Multiple Options

November 6, 2019 | Advanced Souls and Mission, Soul Relationships

The greatest changes and upheavals occur in areas where we think the process is complete.

We all assign different value, or importance, to different areas in life — some of us prioritize relationships, some of us prioritize work, studies, or personal development, for others it is money, spirituality or relaxation. This ranking of life areas in order of importance changes throughout the course of our life, and may be reordered dramatically when something shakes us out of the usual routine.

For example, when we are faced with unexpected and serious financial troubles, we forget all else, cancel our trips, perhaps begin avoiding people, stop pursuing our old hobbies, and focus solely on this most pressing area until it is resolved. Or, faced with a sudden soul-opening relationship which takes us by surprise, we reorganize our priorities, change our plans, and choose to spend time with that one special person, sometimes to the neglect of our other duties or practices, which seem no longer important. Our priorities shift in an instant.

When we work on acquiring certain qualities in our spiritual evolution, the Universe selects the areas where our attention is constant, uninterrupted. It is these areas that our lessons start coming from. If a certain area takes up all our attention, it will also be the area where we learn all our life lessons and challenges at any given moment.

In this process, the Universe crushes anything that we aim to bring to completion, to a static state.

Wherever there is movement — in a situation or in a life area, whenever we are not trying to cling to a state and fixate it for all eternity — changes go smoothly. But as soon as we begin putting labels and descriptions on processes, as soon as we become set on forming something into a desired shape and put all our efforts into protecting it from any form of fluctuation — we encounter our most powerful shake-ups.

This is not bad luck or bad karma, this is simply the result of ignoring a universal law which says — there is no evolution in completion.

Things, people and processes are always evolving, moving and transforming. This is the whole structure, the whole meaning of all life.

We often see this attempt to label and bring a situation into a static state in the area of relationships, when we assume that naming a situation somehow will bring about a desired outcome — such as, if someone is our “twin flame” we are destined to be together forever, or else they are a narcissistic “false twin”. But this also happens in all areas, including spirituality, whenever we begin clinging to the “right” and the “only possible” version of events. By this, we activate the channel of connection through which the most painful lessons begin to bombard us through the very situation we were trying to fix.

If you are desperately trying to change a situation with no result, let go of the framework you are trying to put it into. Let go of stability and constants. Allow for movement in the situation — let each element have infinite options, allow for multiple outcomes. Assume that absolutely anything is possible in this situation. Visualize the multiple potential outcomes. Allow for this multiplicity, allow for chaos.

This chaos will start “feeding” the situation as if from within, remove the sharp edges and heaviness and will transform it into something more pliable, adaptable. You will gradually see your situation begin to change, and your perception of it becoming lighter and easier, as blocks and heaviness begin to melt, and everything starts acquiring a more desirable shape.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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