
by Inga Kastrone

Power Places: The Doors to the Sacred

April 10, 2024 | Advanced Souls and Mission

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  • Power Places: The Doors to the Sacred

Power places are geographical locations on the planet that radiate a strong and unique energy, which affects human consciousness.

There are two main types of power places — planetary, formed by projection of planetary energies; and those that are created by humans, such as temples, altars or other places of worship. Both types of power places transform the energy of their location, and can function as gateways to higher consciousness.

Earth as a Living Organism

Much in the same way as the human body has different organs which have different functions, the planet has different locations which have different energetic signatures. Just like organs and energy centers of the body, planetary power places have different functions and different frequencies.

People who can feel the energy of a place (place empaths) often move cities and even countries simply because it “feels right.” They feel called to a place, without being able to clearly explain the reason why.

Some feel the need to move after completion of a certain stage or lesson in life, some feel called to move or travel to figure themselves out. Some leave everything and just move to a new place feeling the calling but not yet knowing what the calling is and how to go about it.

But underneath this seemingly irrational urge to travel there is often an intuitive awareness of energies and how they would benefit our own life path. In power places, we are able to experience energies and reach states of awareness that are not available to us in our mundane experience, our daily life.

In power places, we are able to experience energies and reach states of awareness that are not available to us in our daily life.

To clear a misconception that often arises at this point — there is nothing wrong with daily life. Just like there is nothing wrong with our arms or our legs. But also in our body we have organs and parts that are vital to our survival — we can live without a leg, but we cannot live without a head. The whole body is an interconnected system that works as a whole. Our planet is also an interconnected system, with some of its organs and meridians being more vital, crucial to its well-being.

As we begin to study the way planetary energies work, we also begin to understand that as humans, we are cells in the body of our planet. We begin to work in resonance with the planetary energies.

How Places Work with Our Energy System

Say, for example, you feel drawn to live in the remote rainforest, close to the ocean. The quality of the place will most likely be very earthy, both grounding and nourishing. Your body will gradually come in synch with the natural cycles of light and dark, the rhythms of the moon the tides and the light of the sun. This is the call to work with the physical body, to heal anxiety, depression, transmute loss, grief, to feel present in the body and to feel at one with nature and all that is.

The call to live at 15,000 feet somewhere in the Andes may feel very different, and be experienced as a high-frequency activation. And high frequency is no joke, either. It will pull out all the fears, ego delusions and bodily weakness that blocks the frequency from entering your mind-body-energy field.

Every power place has its own frequency, energy and mission, be it a famous one like the pyramids in Egypt, or a completely obscure brook in your village that only 5 people know about.

Planetary Chakras, Meridians and Organs

You may have heard about the chakras of the planet, or 7 geographical locations that correspond to the 7 energy centers. Thus, mount Kailash would correspond to crown chakra and facilitate connection to the Divine, while mount of Olives in Jerusalem would activate the energy of the throat chakra.

Most traditional cultures also associated particular power spots with spirits of nature and corresponding energy centers. In a world where everything is alive, everything is also inevitably connected to everything else. In the Inca culture, for example, the root energy center was connected to the water element. One could open the “root eye” by connecting to a body of water nearby, to the sacred water sites, and of course to all the waters of the earth.

In the kabbalistic tradition, it is said that power places are projections of the sephirot of the Tree of Life. Sephirot (pl., singular – sephira) can be defined as 10 different dimensions, but also generators of qualities for the human consciousness. One could say that the sephirot are an alternative to the Vedic chakra system.

To give an example, sephira Malkhut means kingdom in Hebrew and brings in qualities associated with longevity and good health. In places where the energies of Malkhut are projected, people will tend to live healthy long lives. Those lives would be harmonious, but often spiritually unsophisticated.

Many historical state capitals are located on the power places of sephira Yesod, which means base or form. Some nations have legends of royal advisors or magicians directing the ruler to select a spot for the new capital of the nation. They were basing their advise on an intuitive understanding of the energy of the place, and how it will shape its inhabitants.

Working with power places is a life-long adventure. Whichever tradition you are studying or working with, will probably have specific protocols for approaching power places and purifying ourselves prior to that. We are a part of the living Earth. May we learn to work with her in love and cooperation.

PS. Seven Arches and the Day of Judgement

The Seven Arches hotel in the picture was built on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem during the Jordanian rule, by the Jordanian government. The name Seven Arches comes from the Islamic vision of the day of Judgement, where the believers would have to cross a 7-arched bridge into the next world. If they have built some substance into their bridge during their lifetime, they will manage to cross. Some say that the bridge will go from the Mount of Olives over the valley of Gehennom (hellfire)…

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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Power Places: The Doors to the Sacred

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