by Inga Kastrone

Blessing the ones that hurt us

July 25, 2019 | Spiritual Development

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  • Blessing the ones that hurt us

Every time someone causes you pain, don’t hasten to anger. This pain was your request put out to the Universe. Unconsciously, you attracted it. The one who is causing pain is just a puppet on the strings that you are holding.

“Be careful what you wish for…” What does it mean? When you seek to fulfill one of your desires, you are not thinking that in order to receive what you ask for you need to go through something, to let go of something, to receive something…

As soon as a desire is brought into conscious awareness, the world around you begins restructuring itself in order for it to come true. People who stand in the way of its realization are leaving your life, and new people enter — the ones who can help, who will teach you how to see the path to what you desire. Sometimes, strength is needed, without which the path cannot be completed, and this strength comes from pain and trials.

As soon as a desire is brought into conscious awareness, the world around you begins restructuring itself in order for it to come true.

You are used to what was before and are not seeing the deeper meaning of the painful changes around you. But are you seeking to receive what you want? What you want is what doesn’t exist, what was not, but what has yet to be born, and this new thing will take away the old from your life, the old that did not allow the New to enter…

Birth happens through pain. After a dark night, comes dawn. The darkness has to become deeper so that light can shine brighter…

By desiring, you yourself, only you, are activating mechanisms that begin transforming your life so that a new birth can occur in it. You are attracting everything for this sole purpose, including pain.

Therefore, remember, that the one who hurt you was summoned by you. He is a puppet. Don’t be angry, but rather shower him with gratitude for the new strength, for his help on the way to receive the New…

(~inspired by Amu Mom, a Ukrainian blogger~)

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