
by Inga Kastrone

Starseed Souls: 13 Signs You May Be a Starseed

June 6, 2019 | Advanced Souls and Mission

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  • Starseed Souls: 13 Signs You May Be a Starseed

Who are starseed souls? Starseeds are souls who prior to their incarnation on Earth lived in other worlds and galaxies of our Universe. If you are reading this post, chances are, you already know subconsciously that you are a starseed.

The Earth is a third-dimensional planet that is currently transitioning into the fourth dimension. Unlike the Earth, the home worlds of starseeds belong to the fourth dimension or higher — although most starseed souls currently incarnated on our planet come from the sixth dimension.

Starseed souls are born in a regular human body. The higher-dimensional worlds that starseeds come from exist on other planets and galaxies. Those worlds are very different from our third-dimensional perspective of “living on another planet”. These home worlds of starseed souls are also different dimensions of consciousness where reality as we know it doesn’t exist.

Some of the planets and star systems that starseed souls originate from, no longer exist. This is the case with Hadarian starseeds and those whose first place of incarnation was Maldec. Most starseeds no longer incarnate in physical bodies but serve as guides, having ascended to higher dimensions.

Why Do Starseed Souls Incarnate?

Starseeds incarnate on Earth as a choice, through free will. They chose a lower, more dense dimension in order to serve others, anchoring their gifts and frequencies into the third dimension. By incarnating, starseed souls hope to counteract negativity and assist the spiritual evolution of planet Earth.

The vast majority of starseeds currently on planet Earth are here to serve others. Only a selfless mission can inspire choosing an incarnation in a reality so dense it would cause one to forget one’s own Soul and its connection to Source (the Creator God).

Starseeds are not physically different from other people. The only difference is the remaining fragments of memory about previous incarnations.

starseed souls

Entering the Cycle of Reincarnation

According to the Akashic Records, the biggest danger that starseeds face on Earth is forgetting their mission. The risk of an Earthly incarnation is becoming consumed by the very force that one came to help transform. When this happens, a star traveller soul would be polarized by the world of duality to a much greater extent than they had originally expected in higher and more harmonious frequencies.

Most starseeds that I personally worked with have had a hundred or more incarnations on Earth, often working with the same karmic issue lifetime after lifetime. In many cases, these souls have experienced a lot of darkness and negativity, and have chosen to work with very low-frequency energies.

This experience of polarization and separation is very painful to the soul, and yet with forgetting comes the illusion that there is no way of breaking of the cycle.

Complete forgetting of their true nature in the third dimension means that a starseed soul becomes literally trapped by it, and enters the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth — what Buddhism calls Samsara. If they are not able to remember their mission, star travelers risk becoming a part of the third dimension and loose the capacity to return to their home worlds.

Paradoxically, most starseeds are held back from awakening by fear — the fear of not awakening. “What if I get it wrong?” This effectively blocks any consistent spiritual exploration, and may explain why so many starseeds struggle to even keep afloat in life.

Am I a Starseed?

If you are reading this, you may be asking yourself, “am I a starseed?” Below are 13 signs that may indicate you are a starseed soul:

  1. Feeling of separation and isolation from the general society
  2. Disregard for commonly held values
  3. Protest against structures of domination and control
  4. Unexplained feelings of homesickness for a home that is “somewhere out there” (“homesick for a home I never had”)
  5. Most starseed souls are more comfortable by themselves than among people. Due to high energy sensitivity they may feel unpleasant sensations when in a crowd
  6. Deep connection with nature and animals
  7. Creatively gifted
  8. Vivid imagination, love to think, dream, imagine, and create fantastic stories
  9. While having many talents and capabilities, they will often doubt themselves, if not yet fully awakened. A starseed that is not awakened is constantly thinking, “What is wrong with me? Why am I so different?”
  10. Often will have had a paranormal experience in early childhood, such as astral projection, UFO sightings, lucid dreaming, or similar
  11. Intuitive understanding of spiritual laws — yet suspicious of religious authority
  12. Feel emotional pain very acutely — yet at the same time have a subconscious awareness that even the most terrible pain is temporary, that “this too shall pass”
  13. Highly intuitive and empathic. They feel the pain and problems of others acutely, literally feel as uncomfortable as those they is trying to help. They will try to help everyone they meet without distinction into societal categories (such as “family and friends” versus “the others”)

If you resonate with these statements, you may have been asking yourself since early childhood, why am I here? What have I come here to do? I know I came here for a purpose, but what is my mission?

There is only one reason why you incarnated on Earth — to serve humanity.

You have a multitude of ways to fulfill your mission of service. Remember what you have always loved, always wanted, what used to make you happy as a child. But above all — remember who you are. Your remembrance is your greatest power.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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