Akashic Records

Soul Contracts and Life Lessons: a Higher Perspective

What types of soul contracts do we have with people in our lives? Every now and then I get a [...]

Spiritual Development

In What Ways Does Our Consciousness Create Our Reality?

Our consciousness creates our reality — how can it be? What does it even mean? We often hear that we [...]

Spiritual Development

5 Traditional Rituals for Energy Clearing

Healing and energy clearing rituals have long been present in cultures around the world. These rituals are based on the [...]

Relationship Healing, Soul Relationships

Twin Flame Codependency or Unconditional Love?

What is twin flame codependency? If you are sending healing to your soul connection, while at the same time ignoring [...]

Akashic Records

What Happens When You Access Your Akashic Records

What happens when you, or someone else on your behalf, access your Akashic Records? Some people say it is a [...]

Spiritual Development

Living Your Extraordinary Life: with Terry Tucker

Can adversity and challenge become an opportunity to live our extraordinary life?In my work with soul-level healing and the Akashic [...]

Healing Past Lives

Unlocking Soul Contracts: An Akashic Perspective

Soul contracts are agreements we make in the spirit world. When I was learning to read the Akashic Records, I [...]

Abundance, Advanced Souls and Mission

5 Reasons Why Advanced Souls Struggle with Abundance

Who are advanced souls? In my work, I often use the terms sensitive soul, highly sensitive person and advanced soul [...]

Relationship Healing, Soul Relationships

Twin Flames and Dark Night of the Soul

Twin flame dark night of the soul is a part of a journey in the twin flame separation stage when [...]

Relationship Healing, Soul Relationships

Healing the Twin Flame Obsession

How to heal twin flame obsession? How can you heal being stuck, grieving, thinking about your twin flame day and [...]