Advanced Souls and Mission

Finding Your Mission: The Soul-Level Approach

Do you often think about finding your mission and following your calling? Does something feel off balance, life nudging you [...]

Soul Relationships

6 Common Twin Flame Signs: Have you Found the One?

Your heart already knows all the twin flame signs. If you believe you have met your twin flame, ultimately, you [...]

Advanced Souls and Mission, Spiritual Development

Who are Ascended Masters and High Beings

Ascended masters and high beings exist beyond the physical plane, in the higher dimensions of reality. They are our guides, [...]

Living as an empath

Why it is Important to Clear Our Aura

You may have already heard that we need to clear our aura (our energy field). But why do we need [...]


The Hidden Meaning of Recurring Numbers

Are you surrounded by recurring numbers? Do you find yourself looking at your phone just when it is 11:11 or [...]

Spiritual Development

How to Manage Resistance to Change

Let me start by stating the obvious: wherever there is change, there is resistance. Resistance to change is a norm, [...]


Aligning our Desires: The 3-Step Manifesting Blueprint

If we were to have a magical manifesting formula, what would it be? Not a formula to always get what [...]

Sacred Feminine

Ascension and the Rise of the Feminine

You may already know that the vibratory ascension of planet Earth is a catalyst for our personal ascension. In other [...]

Mary Magdalene, Sacred Feminine

Sacred France: In the Footsteps of the Divine Feminine

A visit to sacred destinations of the Divine Feminine in France is a deeply transformative experience. It is an adventure, [...]

Sacred Feminine

Kali Maa: The Great Dark Mother of Enchantment

Out of all the Divine Feminine personifications, the Hindu goddess Kali has had the most profound effect on my life. [...]