Do you often think about finding your mission and following your calling? Does something feel off balance, life nudging you [...]
Advanced Souls and Mission
Advanced Souls and Mission
Do you often think about finding your mission and following your calling? Does something feel off balance, life nudging you [...]
Soul Relationships
Your heart already knows all the twin flame signs. If you believe you have met your twin flame, ultimately, you [...]
Advanced Souls and Mission, Spiritual Development
Ascended masters and high beings exist beyond the physical plane, in the higher dimensions of reality. They are our guides, [...]
Living as an empath
You may have already heard that we need to clear our aura (our energy field). But why do we need [...]
Are you surrounded by recurring numbers? Do you find yourself looking at your phone just when it is 11:11 or [...]
Spiritual Development
Let me start by stating the obvious: wherever there is change, there is resistance. Resistance to change is a norm, [...]
If we were to have a magical manifesting formula, what would it be? Not a formula to always get what [...]
Sacred Feminine
You may already know that the vibratory ascension of planet Earth is a catalyst for our personal ascension. In other [...]
Mary Magdalene, Sacred Feminine
A visit to sacred destinations of the Divine Feminine in France is a deeply transformative experience. It is an adventure, [...]
Sacred Feminine
Out of all the Divine Feminine personifications, the Hindu goddess Kali has had the most profound effect on my life. [...]