
by Inga Kastrone

Finding Your Mission: The Soul-Level Approach

November 30, 2023 | Advanced Souls and Mission

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  • Finding Your Mission: The Soul-Level Approach

Do you often think about finding your mission and following your calling? Does something feel off balance, life nudging you to go into a different direction? Are you worried that you might be on the wrong path?

When we begin awakening spiritually, we often feel that our surroundings and our life are not matching our new insights. We begin searching for a new vision of our life, for a new purpose and meaning, the one that comes from our soul, and not from the obligations imposed on us.

The tricky part is that our egos can often trap us in this search, trying to compensate for feelings of inadequacy.

At the beginning of our spiritual awakening we are still lost and unhealed. We have the vision and expansion, but we have not yet healed our broken inner child, the shame of our upbringing, the trauma of abuse, the pain of disconnection from nature and Source.

We may begin imagining a great and unique mission, becoming a savior of the world — but we cannot bring ourselves to do the daily work of purification, devotion and discipline. Because of this immaturity, we have difficulty growing our roots, but demand upward expansion, which eventually leads to collapse and disappointment.

From my perspective of reading my clients’ Akashic Records for almost a decade, I know that the question of mission is one of the first that comes up for a spiritual seeker. Some of the most common questions people ask are:

  • What is my mission?
  • What am I here to do?
  • Is what I’m doing aligned with my mission?

Is Our Mission Written in the Akashic Records?

Short answer — no, not really. What most people understand as mission, that is, something that you have to do, is of very little concern to your spiritual guiding team. Yes, you read it right. They don’t care much about what you do.

What is absolutely crucial is the state of your heart and the lessons you are learning from your experience. Finding your mission is all about finding your lessons for this lifetime.

I will share a story to illustrate what I mean:

I had a friend who became very spiritual, in his opinion. He ended up joining some off-grid community in the desert, where the leaders taught everyone they were healers and had a mission to help heal the world. So far so good. They practiced meditation, a lot of walking around in the nude, nude yoga, and some singing.

After having left the community, he came to visit me, but ended up inviting a friend and meditating in a cave naked for about 3 weeks. He was very particular about not using insect repellants, and so he and his friends were all covered in mosquito bites. He got to know some local “shamans” who brewed ayahuasca, drank it from the bottle in the said cave and walked around barefoot. Eventually, the local community had to ask him to leave. After the cave was vacated, my neighbors had to pick up the trash that he and his friends left behind.

Was he more evolved, or at a higher spiritual level than a homeless guy who doesn’t even know what a “mission” is? I don’t know. But it’s open for discussion.

Heart vs. Mission

There are thousands of stories like this. Cults who believed they were saving the world, and ended up destroying themselves, or, at best, becoming a public nuisance (here is one: Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God). Genocide in the name of a mission or a higher calling (see, for example The Occult Roots of Nazism). People letting their children die or suffer because they demanded that God heal them, and not doctors.

They all believed in mission. And that their mission justified — just about anything. Anything they would not, without the said mission, justify even in their wildest dreams.

I believe if you are unemployed, lost and depressed, your primary mission is to heal. Not to save the world. It may feel very brutal for the ego to accept that you may need to be ordinary for a while, but that’s often what it takes.

Finding your mission is not about doing and achieving things. Mission in terms of quantifiable results, tangible achievements, writing a book, opening a shop, “healing the earth,” “saving the world,” is an ego perspective. Now, all of these things may be very important and a part of our path in life.

But our mission, from the soul-level perspective of the Akashic Records, is to evolve. To lift up what was broken in our being and transmute it into light.

To grow our roots deep into the fertile soil of the Earth, into the luminous darkness that is the Source of all — and to join it in Union with the Cosmos, and its own luminous darkness.

To find the piece of the world that we are called to transmute and lift up — be it through our ancestry, or our wounding and trauma, and to work on it. For some of us, the mission may be to heal from eating disorders, or sexual abuse, or depression. And then to shine the light of healing into the world by helping others. Through your writing, dancing, poetry, art, songs.

Or simply through smiling to a stranger on the street.

Our mission is to connect to our hearts, to live, and love from the heart, with all the brokenness and pain and courage that it requires.

Some Clues to Finding Your Mission

Ok, you may say, got it, so how do I actually live my mission? How do I find which piece of the world I am supposed to heal? What are the ways we can identify our calling for this lifetime?

Remember your childhood dreams

Think about your childhood up to the age of 7. What did you most enjoy doing? How did natural creativity flow through you?

From birth up to around age 7 we are still in our intuitive, cerebellar consciousness. This is when we are naturally attuned to the wholeness of creation, when we rise with the sun, talk to plants and animals, dance or sing our impressions. When you were 4 or 5 years old, how did the reality express through you? Who did you want to be before you began thinking logically?

Remember your childhood hurts

The pieces that we came to pick up are often found in the pain we experienced in childhood. It may be either your own lived experience of abuse or trauma, or the stories of your ancestors who often had to go through wars and migration.

Depending on the difficulty of your childhood experiences, the clues may be challenging to uncover on your own. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help working through childhood hurts and ancestral trauma. Work with energy healers, therapists, somatic healers, try hypnosis and rebirthing or family constellations. Healing your inner child is one of the most important pieces of your mission here on Earth.

Finding your mission through the Akashic Records

Going back to the Akashic Records and what they do say about your mission.

The Akashic Records give a soul-level perspective on your mission and purpose. What this means is that the Records reveal what your soul is seeking to bring into the world or to heal.

Often the soul-level mission has to do with transmuting some of the negative aspects of life here on Earth, restoring or upgrading certain blueprints (such as for relationships, love or power), activating sections of the Earth grid and power places, or anchoring new energies and templates (for example, a new healing modality, or technological invention). This is never done alone, but with other souls on an aligned mission.

Let’s use the example of Reiki. The emergence of a new healing modality needed groundwork and preparation that many souls were involved in. It also needed expansion and follow-up for the new modality to take root.

There were souls incarnating who paved the way for Mikao Usui. Obviously, the Divine healing energy is universal and was not invented by Usui. It was practiced and channeled by many. A decade before Usui’s revelation on mount Kaurama, a Japanese therapist created a modality called Reiki Ryoho, that Usui built upon in practical terms. After WWII, Usui Reiki became known in the West through the work of one of his students who wanted to do her best to preserve the modality.

None of this soul-level work was done from the logical, thinking mind. Usui and his students didn’t know how things would turn out. They only had control over the choices they made in any given moment, in the time called now. It was orchestrated from a higher vantage point.

For us to align with soul-level mission, we need to align with our souls and the Divine guidance. Which speak to us through the heart.

Finding your mission within the heart

The way all these people, beautiful, selfless, human and imperfect, at times enlightened and at times clueless, went about their mission was to listen to their heart. Finding your mission means stepping into that place between the fear of your mind and the burning of your heart.

Here is a podcast episode that addresses the challenge of finding and crystallizing your mission. I speak with my guest about that stage in our journey when we know we are meant to do something different, but have no idea how, when we are ready, but the universe is silent:

Anchoring all the ways in which you worked on finding you mission also means dedicating time to a spiritual practice that opens the heart. This can take the form of mantras, chanting or heart-opening meditation. You are always welcome to contact me for a reading or a healing session to clarify some of the ways in which you can work on aligning with your mission.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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