
by Inga Kastrone

How to Read the Akashic Records?

December 28, 2020 | Akashic Records

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Many clients shared with me that they tried to access the Akashic Records, went to a course, or tried prayers or meditations they found in a book or a lesson — but it didn’t get them anywhere. They couldn’t find much in the Records, beyond some very generic information, or an overall feeling of being uplifted and loved.

To tell you the truth, this has been my fist experience with the Akashic Records, as well. For months, all I could get was some general truths, and maybe a temporary sense of peace and joy.

Why was this happening? Why couldn’t I see or “read” anything?

The structure of the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an energetic register of our planet.

The Akashic Records are not a book, or books, or some stone tablets hidden in a secret place.

They are not an instruction manual.

The Akashic Records are not “God” telling you what to do, or a book of destiny where everything that will ever happen to you is set in stone. From where you stand right now, in this very moment, nothing is set in stone.

The Akashic Records are a field of higher-vibrational energy. They are like a recording device that writes down the important events in our lives. But it is us who choose how we react to these events and how we remember them.

This same field stores out future potential as a seed. It is up to us, however, to plant the seed and to activate one of the many possible directions into which it can grow. Once we have planted a seed in a particular location and a particular time, our options on what to do with it become more limited than before we engaged with it.

In practical terms, the Akashic Records are a fifth-dimensional space, which automatically responds to even the finest vibrations. These vibrations leave a permanent mark, what we call a “record”.

Interpreting an Energetic Record

To understand the energetic record, we need to “translate” it into the words and images that are familiar to us. And to be able to do so, we need knowledge, a library of experiences that we can use. In other words, understand and verbalize the information contained in the Records, we need the capacity to interpret it.

Imagine giving a three-year-old a book on nuclear physics. He may browse through it, may enjoy the texture of the paper it is printed on, and may even find some pictures attractive — but will likely not get even the faintest idea of what the book is about.

Will he be able to pass on the information that he found in the book? Most likely, not. He wouldn’t understand it and wouldn’t know what to do with it.

In much the same way, we do not gain much clarity by simply opening the information channel of the Records. This in itself is relatively easy. But without knowing what to look for, and how to interpret it, we gain just as much knowledge as a three-year-old from a book on nuclear physics.

The Prerequisites on Getting Accurate Information from the Akashic Records

There are three main prerequisites to getting accurate information from the Records.

  • First of all, we need an initiation that connects us to a guide or a teacher who can be our “translator” within the Records. Information from the Akashic database is transmitted to us via the Guardians, or Keepers of the Records. It is best to receive an initiation from someone who is already working in the Records, who can connect you to an appropriate Guide.

  • Second, we need to ask questions. The more specific our questions are, the more specific answers we will get. And in order to ask specific questions, we obviously need to know and understand what we are looking for.

  • Therefore, the third prerequisite is building knowledge and experience. This can only be acquired by regularly going into the Records and working in them. As with every new skill, the more we practice, the better we get at it. We will not understand something which we have no experience of, something we have never seen, heard or felt.

Because the Akashic Records are a database in the form of highly sensitive energy, they respond to an intention. This means that the more we probe, question and search, the more the energy of the Records moves. We don’t see everything at once. The information comes to us gradually, as we begin working with it.

Sometimes people have the impression that reading the Akashic Records means being able to read any information about anyone — that we can go into the Records of our neighbor and see what they had for breakfast two weeks ago. This view has nothing to do with reality. In fact, any useless information of this kind does not come from the Light. The Records are not a tool to feed our egos by learning what other people do.

In the space of the Records, there is no ego. Therefore, they do not respond to egoic drives and motives. We will not get any information if is not for our highest good (or for the highest good of the person whose records we are accessing).

If you try to approach the Akashic Records from the perspective of your own — or someone else’s — ego, you will consistently get only one of the two results. Either, you will receive no information at all (sometimes in this case, you may interpret your own wishful thinking as something coming from the Records). Or, and this is a worst-case scenario, your “reading” will get hijacked by entities who can indeed often provide very accurate results. These lower-level beings will be stroking your ego in order to get your energy and block any kind of growth.

To sum up, the Akashic Records are a higher-vibrational space, which is open for every sincere seeker. Working in them takes practice, humility, and willingness to open ever more to the Divine Light. Working with the Akashic Records can be a springboard to accessing higher consciousness and enlightenment.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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