
by Inga Kastrone

How to Raise Our Vibration?

April 3, 2018 | Spiritual Development

You have probably heard all the talk about vibrational frequencies, lower and higher vibrations, and the ways of raising your vibration. But why do we talk about vibrations at all? What does it actually mean, raising our vibration? Will it make our lives practically different, or is it just about feeling “spiritual,” wearing different clothing, burning incense and “thinking positive”?

I believe that everything is energy, and everything is vibration.

Several years ago, David Bohm, a quantum physicist, and Karl Pribram, a neuroscientist, postulated in their Holoflux Theory of consciousness that our brain is a holographic storage network. According to their theory, consciousness is not a function of brain neurons but actual energy that resonates between the domains of space-time and non-dual reality.

One of the implications of this is that the objective world as we perceive it, actually does not exist. Instead, reality is a field of waves and frequencies. What our brains do is interpret it into the world of objective phenomena, projecting a hologram of measurable reality. In other words, what we think of as “objective” reality is actually an illusion. Everything around us is waves and frequencies, and the difference between life forms, or between matter and spirit, is only a difference in the level of vibration.

This worldview is not just a Bohm-Pribram invention. In fact, we find the aspects of Holoflux theory in many ancient beliefs around the world.

The Indians called it maya, an illusion. Maya is the deception of the way our mind and our senses interpret reality. This interpretation is only a layer imposed upon the actual reality. All is one, but we perceive matter as solid because it vibrates at a very low frequency, whereas the vibration of Spirit is so high that it is imperceptible to our physical senses. But both are not only parts of the same reality, they are one.


It is not Spirit versus matter, because in the real world such dualism does not exist. It is simply a matter of difference in vibration, difference in degrees. In the world of absolutes, opposites are identical and paradoxes are reconciled. The ancient Hermetic teachings stated, in the same vein, that all truths are half-truths, because what appears to be mutually exclusive is a part of a larger truth at a higher level.

Now, this is not just an abstract philosophy, it is not looking for a “God particle” in a laboratory.

What this means for our practical daily lives is that a change in vibration means a change in reality. Since everything has a vibrational frequency, this includes also our thoughts and emotions. All the multiple levels of vibration manifest as life, grouped by the natural law of attraction. Atoms and molecules are formed together by particles that are attracted to each other because of the similarity of vibration. In this way, matter is formed by particles of like vibration, thoughts are formed by particles of like vibration, and so on.

It is not merely New Age teachings when we say that lower vibrational frequencies, such as shame, guilt, greed, or anger, shape our perceived reality. They do so in just the same way as the high vibrations of joy, peace and unconditional love shape reality. Two people, living in the same world, yet operating at different vibrational frequencies, will have different realities. Many of us have experienced this first-hand.

When we change our vibrational frequency, our reality also changes.


It is very important to grasp the concept that everything is vibration and that like vibrations attract, because it allows us to understand that our thoughts and emotions can, and will, take on a material form. There is no separation between thought and matter — they are both “matter”, just at different vibrational frequencies.

The universe is filled with infinite possibilities, information and energy — but what we receive (and perceive) depends on our own vibrational frequency and what we want to attract.

This is not as simple as “staying positive”. Yes, we should strive for higher vibrations, filling ourselves with love, peace, Spirit. But for some, their mission includes dabbling with very low-frequency energies. Staying at a higher vibration does not mean running away and hiding from whatever may upset us.

Sometimes, people may be in such pain that they are incapable of “positivity”. They need healing, not cliches. Sometimes, we may be vibrating at a desired frequency at the conscious level, but our subconscious mind is attuned to the frequencies of unworthiness and pain. Then, we will not get out of that painful loop until we clear and realign our beings, allowing our vibration to go up.

This is where healing and realignment comes in. Healing is literally transforming our vibrational frequency, changing the rhythm of particles that comprise your being. True healing is always holistic, it includes body, mind and soul — because these are not separate. And as we raise our vibration, we are able to perceive more and more of this oneness.

To your power!

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