by Inga Kastrone

Soulmates on the Path

October 23, 2019 | Soul Relationships

In a moment of serendipity, in a time and place in our life when we often least expect it — we meet our soulmates, the ones who have traveled with us through lifetimes, whose very presence feels like home.

Those are joyful meetings — a pause in struggle, overwhelm and effort we may have allowed our lives to become — tinted with a hint of sadness over recognition of the wounds we had chosen to carry. The joy of meeting brings into light the pain of human brokenness, as we see all the dust, all the death, the abuse, the mistakes, the beliefs, the downfalls of social order, the meaningless revolutions, the destructive upheavals that we had chosen to be entangled in.

And as we look into each other’s eyes, we cherish the freedom and the peace our meeting affords us. Our eyes meet each other, and whether we believe it or not, somehow, our past wounds, our past hurts, our past lives — all become resolved in this meeting.

We may meet as pilgrims on the path to the sacred, just briefly touching each other’s lives for a day or an hour. Yet we rest in the peace of knowing that now we are not alone on the path anymore. Another soul is walking it with me, seeking the same. Perhaps our meeting makes the path more clear to us. Or perhaps we now see with greater clarity what it is we are are seeking. And we rest in that recognition — refreshed and strengthened.

Our paths may cross for a longer time, and we may celebrate this meeting as lovers, in an explosion of passion and sensuality, opening up to the light that fills up all the hidden dark corners of our being. Soulmates become lovers, healing each other, getting to know each other, relishing stories of how our lives turned out to be. Bringing together the seeming opposites of culture and language and religion, we get to experience the connection of our souls, our humanness underneath all that we thought was dividing us.

And we learn each other’s language and dance each other’s dances because now we know of the current of love underneath it all. We dance together joyfully, whispering words in a language we don’t understand.

Our minds may weave stories around that passion and that desire between us, but these stories will only take away from the love that we have to give each other. We don’t need to make up rules, to cling or to grasp as we used to. It is all well. We can rest in the moment, knowing that when soulmates meet, our path is blessed, and we are blessed to experience oneness with the whole Universe, even if for a brief moment…

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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