Shadow Work

Honoring the Shadow

When someone affects us to the point that we want to hurt them or offend them — do we run [...]

Spiritual Development

Will “Stuff” Ever Cease to “Come Up”?

If we constantly try to fix ourselves and heal our issues, we may fall into the trap of never trusting [...]

Advanced Souls and Mission

How to Survive Going Up in Vibration

[thrive_headline_focus title=”Embracing the 3D” orientation=”left”] Going up in vibration is part of the process of spiritual evolution. Some of the [...]

Soul Relationships, Spiritual Development

Embracing the Other

I had two friends of mine meet each other for the first time. One was supposed to give a bag [...]

Spiritual Development

How to Raise Our Vibration?

So what is all the hype about raising our vibration?You have probably heard all the talk about vibrational frequencies, lower [...]

Spiritual Development

Surrender to Overcome

When I was a teenager, I used to attend a Christian church whose pastor, an intelligent and genuine man, had [...]

Spiritual Development

Yoga Nidra: Healing for Anxiety and Overwhelm

In the past 100 or so years, the pace of our life and the volume of information we have to [...]

Inner Child Healing, Spiritual Development

Healing Shame, Restoring Power

Shame is toxic. Shame acts like a lens that distorts our view of reality, but most importantly, ourselves. It prevents [...]

Advanced Souls and Mission

Why We Forget Who We Are

Every person who comes to me for an Akashic Record reading is what we call a starseed, or a galactic [...]

Spiritual Development

Courage to Follow Your Dreams

What do we do when we feel stuck, in the wrong place in life, when we are looking for purpose [...]