by Inga Kastrone

Is Clairaudience Your Hidden Superpower?

March 13, 2024 | Spiritual Development

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Clairaudience is a gift of “psychic hearing”. Clairaudience gives you the ability to hear messages from the spirit world, what I like to call the quantum realm. The English word clairaudience comes from the French clair = clear, plus the familiar word “audience” (coming from the latin audire=hear).

Clairaudience is the ability to hear with the intuitive ear. Being clairaudient means receiving information intuitively through perceiving it as an audible sound. This auditory information may come in the form of words and “voices,” but also as sounds, songs, music or some other impressions that have to do with inner hearing.

How to Know if You Are Clairaudient

Most of us have had at least a couple of clairaudient episodes in our life. You may have heard your name being called out, while no one was there. Perhaps, you heard a word or a sound in the liminal state between sleeping and waking, such as right before falling asleep. Maybe one morning when you were awake but didn’t open your eyes yet, you heard a fragment of a conversation, though no one was around you.

You may have heard a song or a musical composition in the middle of the night, and had to wake up and record it because it was so good (Or you didn’t record it, and are regretting it to this day!).

More subtly, you may have been walking around imagining what songs would plants sing, wondering whether light has a sound and if people’s auras have not only a color but a sound. Good news is, plants do have songs, light and sound are just properties of quantum information, and our body and its cells do sing!

In practical life, people whose strongest gift is clairaudience, often find themselves drawn to working with music, languages, or sound in some other form. Contrary to what we are often are taught to believe, there is no separation between the “psychic” world and our physical reality. The more subtle intuitive gifts correspond to interests and gifts on the more “material” level.

So if you are working with sound and music, if you are good at languages, if you are drawn to light languages, sound healing, or if you are hearing songs in your dreams — chances are clairaudience is your strongest psychic gift.

Is it Possible to Develop Clairaudience?


We each have one or two dominant psychic gifts that we are “born” with. These come to us more naturally. With practice, everyone can develop a multitude of other intuitive gifts and abilities. However, even if you are “born” with clairaudience, you may need to do a lot of work to develop it and begin relying on it.

Most of us have been brought up and schooled in the hyper-rational world of separation consciousness. We were taught that man was above nature, that reason was more important than perception, intuition and feelings, that intuition was imaginary anyway and that only the physically observable and “prove-able” is real.

The reason you are reading this article is that, most likely, this set of beliefs has proved to be wrong. What you had been taught to believe could not explain your reality anymore. And now you need to learn a different way of interacting with the Real. A way that puts you back into union and connection.

Simple Meditation Techniques to Develop Clairaudience

There are many way of developing clairaudience. Like any other intuitive gift, clairaudience needs our attention and work to fully come online. Whether you consider yourself to be naturally clairaudient or not, the best meditation technique to work with this gift is a “listening meditation.”

Listening Meditation

Sit down like you would for meditation, indoors or outdoors. Begin with a few centering breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Now, start bringing your attention to the sounds you hear.

Rather than going inwards or trying to clear your mind or focus on emptiness, the point of this meditation is to listen. What can you hear around you? What is the closest sound to you? What is the farthest?

Now, try to reach you hearing to the farthest edges. What is the most far off sound that you can hear? Perhaps it’s a truck or train far away, or the sound of the sea, or may suddenly realize you can hear a fork fall on the floor in your neighbors house. Don’t try to force it, just listen. Then, bring the hearing back close to you.

When your meditation time comes to an end, try humming a sound, such as OM or any other mantra that you use. Cover your ears with the palms of your hands. What do you hear? The pumping of blood? Any other sounds?

This meditation can be surprisingly relaxing and effortless for those who have long struggled with their anxious and overthinking minds. Here, you don’t have to focus away from sounds or try to ignore them. Rather, you bring all your attention into listening. Explore the sounding world around you, listen to everything, hear everything, focus on each individual sound.

Musical Instrument Meditation

If you want to develop your psychic ear more fully, you can experiment with this meditation technique also while listening to music. Listen to a single instrument while tuning out all the rest. This works best with classical music, but you can choose any music you like. Tune in to the piano, or violin, and only that. Listen to that instrument only for 5-10 minutes, while tuning out all the rest. Then you can shift to another instrument and repeat the process.

Over time, this technique will teach you to hear messages from the quantum realm more clearly. Just as your physical ear becomes attuned to physical sounds and learns to distinguish them from their environment, a parallel process happens with your subtle senses. When an intuitive message comes, you will also be able to distinguish it from any other information that you are perceiving at any given moment.

Clairaudience Meditation: Receiving Guidance

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed, and take a few cleansing breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Do it for a couple of minutes. Once you feel your thinking mind has calmed down, make an intention to open up to the Divine. This can be as simple as asking to receive, saying to the God of your understanding “Here I am. I am open to receive.”

In your mind, ask a question that you would like the Divine to answer. Wait for the answer to arrive. Listen to the still small voice within, wait for a word flashing through your mind, a song or a piece of music. Please understand that the quantum realm does not follow our man-made time. The answer may come during your meditation, or after. It may come to you as a remembrance of what you heard before — or you may receive it a few days later.

You can receive it in an e-mail, hear it on TV or read it on the billboard. You can overhear someone’s conversation. Psychic information is symbolic and subtle, but once you have trained your perception, it will also be very clear.

My Own Experience of Receiving Clairaudient Messages

I remember when I was pondering whether I should sell my apartment and move to another country, and couldn’t decide what was best for me to do. One day, I was walking down the street, and a man was talking on the phone across the road, so on the opposite side of the street. Suddenly, I hear him loud and clear, “sell the house!”

That was interesting, because I couldn’t really hear the rest of the conversation. I thought, oh, that’s definitely a message for me. “Sell the house!” I hear him say again, and again the rest of the conversation dissolves in other sounds and impressions.

OK, OK! I whisper! I get the message! I’ll send the e-mail to the agent today! At which point, I hear him say for the third time, “Yeah, yeah, sell the house, don’t think about it!” And he turns the corner and disappears out of sight.

You’ll often receive psychic information as clues or “strands”. None of us gets all the pieces of the puzzle at once. The trick is to follow the guidance you receive. The more you can trust and act on Divine guidance, the more you will live in a state of flow with the energies of the Universe, the more information you can receive in the future.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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