
by Inga Kastrone

What Questions Can I Ask the Akashic Records?

February 7, 2023 | Akashic Records

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  • What Questions Can I Ask the Akashic Records?

What questions can we ask the Akashic Records, and how do we practically do it? Most people believe that the Akashic Records are primarily a source of information about past lives, kind of like a historical library. There is some truth to this, because the Records work in a way similar to a planetary database.

the akashic records library

In many religious traditions, we have the imagery of an angel or a high being writing the deeds of a soul into a “book.” In the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), as well as the Christian book of Revelation, this book is called the “Book of Life.” The Quran speaks of a Record of deeds, or a hidden/guarded Tablet, where past and future are written down. The Hindu scriptures do not take a mechanical approach, but rather see Akash as a living field, with intelligence of its own.

Based on the concept of a “book,” familiar to many in monotheistic religions, many approach the Akashic Records as a database. But it is not an ordinary database.

As you may have noticed, in the past couple of decades we have collectively had access to more information than ever before. Anything you want to know is just a click away — be it recipes, electronic books, historical facts, or news. We no longer have to go to a library and search through a catalogue to find what we need. We can now find out an answer to almost any question and instantly get in touch with someone on the other side of the globe.

But has this universal availability of information made us wiser? Happier? Has it improved our relationships, our mental health, our spiritual life? I think if we are honest with ourselves, we can admit that information, in and of itself, has limited value. Unless we know what to look for and how to apply it, information is simply another distraction. Despite all the available information, people are looking for clarity, meaning and for direction like never before.

Information, in and of itself, has limited value

We can certainly ask the Akashic Records anything. But the Records are not just a storage of random facts and figures about everyone on Earth. The Records are a living field with its own intelligence. Because the vibration of the Records is higher than our physical body, they continuously raise our vibration as long as we interact with them. This also means that we have to learn to raise our own vibration in order to enter the Records.

What, then, can we ask the Akashic Records?

Anything, while being open to the intelligence of the Akashic field to guide us to a higher level.

Let’s consider an example. You are wondering, “should I move to another city for education?”

If you see the Records as a storage of information, you may approach them with a question like, “will I move to X for education?” However, you are unlikely to get a yes/no answer to this type of question. In relation to you, who lives in linear time, the future in the Akashic Records exists in the form of quantum potentials. But more important than this, phrasing the question in this way removes responsibility or participation on your part.

It is almost like sitting on the sofa doing nothing and asking, “when will the dinner be ready?” It may be a legitimate question if you are 5 or even 15 years old. But if you are 25 and live alone — …

If there is a problem with how you view your agency, you may either receive no answer at all (if you are not ready to take responsibility), or you will be reminded of your options. For example, if you choose to change nothing and just continue your life as it is, you will not move anywhere but land a job in your home town. If you want to move, you will need to put in more effort, and align your life with a different reality you want to create. Moving to another city will change your life dramatically, and will open you to meet a soul connection, and people you are aligned with on a deeper level.

Based on this, you may want to ask some more productive questions for your Akashic Records session, such as:

  • How do I navigate this stage of my life? What do I need to do to align with my highest good?
  • Can you show me the potential outcomes of my choices? For example, what would be the outcomes of staying where I am? How will my life be different if I move? What will the move teach me?
  • I feel like moving to another city is better for me, and yet I am also afraid and uncertain. What is hiding underneath my fear? What am I avoiding?

Once you start moving the energy of the Records, you will receive more and more information. Fragmented and unclear at first, it will start flowing more easily, as if responding to your openness. The only requirement is to remain as neutral as possible, not filtering or judging the information until after the session.

You can also ask the Records about people, pets, businesses and companies, Earth history, and your preset limitations in areas such as finances or real estate (meaning, how much you can realistically expect to earn from a particular project). Do keep in mind that the integrity of the Records is always preserved. Unless you have a specific permission from another person or company (such as a client on whose behalf you are accessing the Records), you can only receive information that is related to you.

In this way, you can ask about a loved one and your past lives together, or your relationship with your employer, but not about the details that have no relevance to you or your path.

Akashic Record Readings

Most clients drawn to my work are sensitive souls who feel they have become stuck in the details and forgotten their true origins. The call to get an Akashic Record reading is first of all a call to Remembrance — of who you are at the deepest core of your being, what you came here to do, and why you are struggling with recurrent issues in your life. These readings include healing childhood wounds, past life integration, and transforming ancestral and collective consciousness energies.

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