Your heart already knows all the twin flame signs. If you believe you have met your twin flame, ultimately, you don’t need anyone to tell you. You just know. And yet, it can be incredibly validating to know that your path is shared by many others, that you are not crazy or delusional.
Twin flame connections are high frequency relationships that jolt us into spiritual awakening. A twin flame relationship is more than just a romantic fairy tale. It is simultaneously inner purification and the experience of Divine Union.
The meeting of twin flames came a surprise, uprooting both twins, shaking them out of their predictability. This meeting was in most cases not asked for or anticipated.
What are some of the signs that you have met your twin flame?
1. Total Destruction: Or Complete Renewal?
Often, after meeting their twin flame, people begin to feel disconnected from what used to matter in life. They may have had their lives planned out to the smallest detail, preparing for a comfortable retirement, happy family life or getting their education. Now all of this seems meaningless and small.
The old plans were often based on conditioning by society and family, they were never thought through from the heart, never experienced as part of one’s being. Now it feels like you were choosing a pebble over a pearl worth thousands of dollars.
The first twin flame sign is all about confusion and uncertainty that come from reconnecting with one’s own soul. You now need to make your own choices, your own decisions. Your soul will not be confined to a robotic existence!
You may feel like you need to completely uproot your life and change everything, but do keep in mind that this twin flame sign is just an indicator of becoming a spiritual adult. You will no longer think other people’s thoughts or live other people’s lives. When the energies settle, you may find that not much outward change was needed. The primary goal was to awaken your consciousness, not to destroy your life as you had known it.
2. The Telltale Twin Flame Sign: “I Found the One!”
One of the most common twin flame signs is recognizing a deep connection that goes beyond what we know about love and romance. Whether you know about twin flames or not, whether you are interested in a relationship or not, you feel an immediate spark that tells you there is something special, something different about this person. Could this be “the One”?
This feeling about “the One” is the source of much confusion and heartache. Twin flames often come into the connection with huge emotional disparity and a lot of baggage, both from this lifetime and at the soul level (past lives). One is usually more ready for a relationship than the other and is more emotionally mature, but both can get triggered into dysfunctional patterns of codependence, clinging, or complete avoidance of reality.
Twin flame connections go far deeper and higher than what we know about “relationships”. Because of the way we are taught to see the world, we usually interpret twin flame connection in relationship terms. However, the ultimate goal of this connection is spiritual evolution. While the most effective path to “polishing” each other is through a committed relationship, not all twin flames have chosen it for this lifetime.
3. Pain Body Activation
Because meeting a twin flame is a soul-level activation, it puts a sharp light on all that is out of alignment with the path of the soul. In the beginning, twin flames are elated in the joy of Union and finding each other.
Their meeting re-frames all their stories, giving meaning all the “why”s of their lives, all the past pain and struggle. But it also brings up the wounds and secrets of the past that they thought had been dealt with a long time ago. You can’t hide from your twin flame.
You may have been very successful at hiding from yourself, you may have even tricked yourself into believing everything is fine with you, and whatever is not going well is other people’s fault — but your twin flame has come to shatter all that into pieces! There is no more lying and hiding and no more pretense. If you can’t love yourself the way the Divine loves you — it will be your twin’s job to show you the extent of your self-hatred. How? By rejecting you.
Eventually, the ego kicks in, with all its wounding and the dysfunctional patterns, and the twins separate. Sometimes this means losing all communication for years to come.
It is this separation that triggers pain body activation, also called the Dark Night of the Soul. The pain is like nothing ever experienced, rooted in the pain of the original separation from Source, past life memories, childhood trauma and collective energies.
4. Spiritual Awakening
The pain body activation (dark night of the soul) is just a reaction of the personality structure to something much more important going on. The light of the soul begins to shine through. From this perspective, pain is simply the result of resistance. One of the twins (the so-called twin flame chaser) may try to grasp for the connection, and when the usual methods don’t work, go to psychics, healers, spiritual teachers, in order to try to find answers and some relief.
It is at this stage when people often learn about twin flames. After separation and its unbearable pain, there is a pressing need to have answers, to find a framework for their experience, even to simply learn a new vocabulary. It may take years to even put into words what has been happening to them and how they felt about it.
There are no set rules, except the guidance of the Divine and our won souls. Some twins do not separate but work through their pain body while in union. The spiritual opening of this work brings about kundalini awakening, and proceeds to activation and balancing of the chakras and the meridian system. If at least one of the twins is committed to doing healing work, it eventually leads to higher awareness of the I AM presence.
5. Dancing Between Duality and Oneness
When twin flames initially meet, often one or both may attempt checking the future of their relationship with astrologers or psychics. But the psychics are inconclusive (or seem to change their mind every week!) and the astrological charts often show the partners to be incompatible.
Age difference or difference in educational levels add an additional layer of confusion, seeming to suggest it is not common sense to pursue the relationship any further.
Twin flames may incarnate in opposing social systems, enemy countries, or irreconcilable religions. On the human level, these relationships are, indeed, unsustainable.
It is only when the couple reaches a higher awareness of oneness and are able to choose the “middle path” that this polarization begins to make sense.
Twin flames are not called to “destroy” polarities. In this reality, the polarities are needed for us to practice our free will. It is precisely in the tension between the polarities, in the rising and falling movement of the ocean, the rhythm of the breath, the alternation of night and day, rest and activity that we find the very essence of life and our connection to the Divine.
On the surface of things, twin flames are not meant to be. Yet from the higher perspective, they work as one, striving to unite the opposites through awareness of a higher truth. This is an important step on the path to Union.
6. Purification of the Ego
The twin flame path is the way to purifying and enlightening the Ego.
This means gradual breaking down of old belief systems, social conditioning and ego identification. It is very often accompanied by loss of material possessions, or at the very least a spell of uncertainty about life.
But we are not called to “kill” the ego. This is a very yang perspective that many take without further questioning. A true spirit of Union does not require to “kill the ego.” No wonder many twin flames are fighting and cannot come into Union, since they are so busy killing a part of themselves!
Letting go of egoic attachments requires extraordinary courage, faith and willingness to face own shadow. But our goal is to make our ego fall in love with our soul. Then true Union is possible.
Twin flame path is, ultimately, a mystical journey of purification and Union. Every mystic needs to have the courage to delve deep into the darkness in order to be cleansed and cleared of the old and filled with the new.
In the end, it is the light and Union that prevails.

Do you relate to the above? Have more questions on how to navigate this path, and how to use it as a tool for spiritual awakening? Listen to these podcast episodes where I share my own experience of the twin flame journey: