Can we work with the Akashic Records to improve our relationships, draw closer to our twin flame and soul connections and strengthen the bond? And what do the Akashic Records say about twin flames?
One of the first messages I got from the Records was that Twin Flame union is the union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in a holographic universe, where each individual union reflects a greater universal reality.
To me, this means that each twin flame relationship reflects Divine Reality.
It reflects the dance of polarities and dualities that we see in our lives every day, and it also reflects love, joy and bliss that we experience though nature, through connection with other humans and the Divine. And because we are in a body, a twin flame relationship also reflects inner blocks and resistance to Union.
The process of Union in our reality is often very painful
We step in and out Union multiple times every day. Each time, our ego fears Union will be the end of it. We are afraid to lose ourselves in Love
Think of all the times you were engaged in blissful meditation or contemplation, only to have someone call you, or an alarm go off telling you the time was up. Or you were teaching someone for 20 minutes only to realize they didn’t understand anything. Or you spent a beautiful time with your beloved, and had a horrible argument the next morning.
Why do these things happen?
Because we experience ourselves as separate from the bigger Reality.
The answer that the Akashic Records give has nothing to do with reaching instant bliss and perfect union. Rather, in the Records we are reminded that the experience of separation is part of the human condition. Separation from each other, separation from the Source, and separation from the Divine teacher within.
And while this separation is not real on the level of Ultimate Reality, this is how our bodies and minds experience day-to-day life. So it is very real for us. It is not negative in itself. But our culture reinforces this experience of separation, and polarizes it even further.
You are separate, you are alone! Feel better, buy this! Find love! Be productive! Every smart person should know logic! (why?) Total control, full union, complete happiness, pure bliss — or else!
Our egos can dance between these two polar opposites, between extreme loneliness and overhyped bliss, for a very long time, sometimes years.
The experience of the Akashic Records takes us out of this duality.
It is normal to be human
It is part of human experience to feel alone and abandoned every now and then
And now look at how wondrously you are woven together, the Records tell you.
Look at the cooperation of cells in your body, look how plants speak to each other, look how the leaves greet you, how water retains its memory. Look at the auroras, the Union of the Sun and the magnetic field of the Earth. Look at your guides and angels surrounding you. Look at all the soulmates and soul-friends that you have. You are never alone and never separate, it only seems this way.
And this is why twin flame connections are so challenging. Many twins say that they have not consciously asked for it, did not look for it, did not need it — the twin flame just “arrived” into their lives. And the relationship brought with it destruction, methodically tearing down the defenses of the ego and all its false security.
It reminds me of that quote from Robert Oppenheimer:
We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” I suppose we all thought that one way or another.
Can you know from the Akashic Records if a person is your Twin Flame?
In most cases, yes, because they will show up with a very similar soul blueprint. There is often also an interesting dance of polarities that the Twins are involved in.
Some aspects of the twins’ missions would be identical. For example, they would both work with transforming pride and arrogance. But other aspects of their work would be polar opposites, say, one twin struggling with arrogance because they consider themselves very rational, while the other carries a lot of religious pride.
This can be amplified by wounding and traumas that the twins carry. Both may have experienced childhood sexual abuse, but reacted to it very differently. Both felt very disempowered and humiliated, but one developed a fight response and the other went into freeze mode. Twin flames are like two sides of the same coin, but it can be very difficult to see the similarity through the eyes of the ego.
This is where the Akashic Records come to help.
When going into the Akashic Records to find our about a potential twin flame connection, the first question we ask is, how do I feel about it?
- When I go back to the time we first met, how does it make me feel?
- What thoughts popped into my head back then?
- What did I think or do immediately before our meeting? On the morning of our meeting? Was there a prayer, an intention, a decision that was made?
- Was there an inner knowing that somehow, despite all ego objections, there was something special about this person?
Perhaps you had no words for it at the time, perhaps you got really scared and ran away — or perhaps you interpreted it as a sign that you should get married and live happily ever after. But the first meeting with your twin flame is already a powerful activation at the soul level that has all the answers in itself.
Ultimately, it is only you who have the power to label and define your reality — and to tell you what type of a soul connection you have. This being said, receiving a confirmation of what you already know within your own heart can be very empowering. A twin flame reading or healing session in the Akashic Records gives you the tools to work on healing for both of you.
The Way Forward through the Akashic Records
How can the Records help us improve a problematic connection?
It is never either/or in the world of the Akashic Records (or Reality, for that matter). A person can love you — and run away. You can make heartfelt promises — and break them the same day. You can have a big mission and be a very humble person at the same time. Or you can be riddled with issues and addictions and be very arrogant. You can have a twin flame, and not be together. Or you may never have heard of twin flames, and have a wonderful relationship that inspires everyone around you.
The Akashic Records teach us to let go of separation and embrace life in all its wonder and mystery. Contrary to what many people think, the Akashic Records will not tell you what to do or how to get what you want the way you want it. There is simply no such thing in the Universe as linear reality, except perhaps our own ego.
The Akashic Records will teach you how to heal, how to let go and flow more easily (if you want to), and how to energize your field so you resonate with love and Union. They will teach how to be at peace with the changing currents of Union, and the necessity of separation. Like waves and tides, the ebb and flow of breath, we cannot be in the same state for a long time. We embrace change and imperfection.
The Akashic Records gradually lead us to trust our own inner guidance, trust that even the questions themselves are sometimes the answer. And as we go forward in light and courage, we find ourselves on the path of Union, just as we were meant to be!