What happens when you, or someone else on your behalf, access your Akashic Records? Some people say it is a transformational process, similar to what happens when you work with high-frequency energy healing. Some, however, believe it is just a version of a psychic reading, where you can somehow receive what is “written” for you.
But in my experience, destiny is revealed in retrospect. An Akashic Reading will not rob us of our lessons by predicting our future, or giving us a lot of irrelevant details of the past. Rather, it will bring to light what needs working on in this moment.
Can you just “go in” and ask about whether you should marry the guy you’re dating, what the marriage will look like in 10 years, and what your neighbor thinks about you? My experience is, you can certainly ask these questions, but you won’t necessarily get a typical “psychic” answer. The Akashic Records take you level up, to the root of the issue. It’s ok to not be interested in such root-level information. But in that case, an Akashic Record reading is probably not what you need right now.
The Magic of the Akashic Field
Every time we open the Akashic Records, we connect to very powerful energies. Instead of “energy,” you can also call it “quantum field” or simply “the field,” but once you access the Akashic Records, you open the door to your soul and to the very fabric of the Universe. And once that door opens, it will not be closed.
When you access your Akashic Records for the first time, it is typically done with the help of your guides, masters and teachers. This strengthens the channel between you and your Higher Self. It is like switching on a very bright light in an “upper room” that has been closed for a very long time. At first, the light may be so bright that you don’t see anything. Gradually, however, a new reality begins to take shape and becomes a part of your life.
But the Akashic Records are more than just a mystical space “out there.” The Akashic Records are, as I have come to see after many years of working both as a reader and a healer, a memory of the universe. But because this memory is in a time-space continuum different from the linear reality as we know it, it also informs the universe. In other words, it is both a memory and a morphic field. The Akashic Records are pure potential and its memory at the same time.
From this perspective, the Records are not simply something outside of you that you have to go to in order to get some wisdom and advise. They are also within you, as a field that in-forms your cells, your organs, your blood. As unusual, or unexpected as it may seem, yes, I believe the Records are within you, too!
Access Your Akashic Records to Learn the Language of the Universe
Based on the above, working with the Akashic Records is never “just” a reading, or “just” a meditation. What this means is that we are dealing with a very pure, highly vibrational field that holds the structures of all creation here on Earth. If we work with it, that field will change us, in whatever ways we are able to receive. It will change us because it in-forms us, and everything around us. The Akashic field weaves us into form.
That’s what Akashic level information is! It’s not a book that tells you about past lives! It is so much more than this. The Akashic Field is a code that informs your cells in the mother’s womb. It informs them that the leg is not an arm, and that your soul wishes to experience what it’s like being born in a feminine body.
When you access the Akashic Records, you interact with the code of the Universe!
It is true that anyone can work with the Akashic Records — there is no requirement of a particular spiritual attainment or status. Not in the human eyes, anyway. What does our status or so-called attainment even mean in the context of a quantum field? But not anyone will like what they receive in the Records, or be able to discern what they are receiving. Sometimes it is a process of adjustment that takes years.
Even if we see and feel and hear nothing, when the Records have opened, we bathe in their energy. Like sitting in the sun tans our skin, sitting with the Records purifies our soul. It is not the only way of soul purification, nor the ultimate way, but the Akashic Records do expose us to higher vibration every time we enter them. This also applies for the times you ask someone to access the Records on your behalf.
Dear Records, Should I Marry the Guy I’m Dating?
Back to our marriage and dating question, how do you think we can approach the Akashic Records with that?
First of all, we need to recognize that every time we access the Akashic Records, we get in touch with a quantum reality that transcends our thinking minds. It is equally a very humbling and a very elevating experience. The goal of any Akashic Record reading is to change your life.
There is nothing wrong with asking practical or even silly questions. This is how we learn. What will typically happen is that either you, or a reader who accesses on your behalf will receive guidance from the beings who are vibrationally aligned with the Akashic Field and have had experience working in the Records.
But our work in the Akashic Records can not, and should not, be reduced to trivialities.
An Akashic Record reading is not primarily about who loves you, which car you should buy or where you should go on holiday — there are other ways of receiving guidance, be it intuitive or common sense. Accessing the Akashic Records places you beyond and above the appearances. What you receive from the Records is not just information or facts. You receive an infusion of the Real.
What happens when you access your Akashic Records? Nothing, and everything! One thing is for sure, in each session you receive an opening that will kick-start your spiritual evolution in the way that is most suited to your own path.