Relationship Healing, Soul Relationships

Healing the Twin Flame Obsession

How to heal twin flame obsession? How can you heal being stuck, grieving, thinking about your twin flame day and [...]

Soul Relationships, Spiritual Alchemy

7 Signs of Healing on the Twin Flame Journey

Twin flame healing is a journey of a lifetime. A twin flame relationship often begins in a cloud of bliss, [...]

Akashic Records

How to Successfully Read the Akashic Records?

Many clients shared with me that they tried to read the Akashic Records, took a course, tried prayers or meditations [...]

Akashic Records

Are There Questions the Akashic Records Cannot Answer?

When we first connect to the Akashic Records, and discover this amazing storehouse of information, we also learn the importance [...]

Soul Relationships

Resurrecting the Feminine: Beyond the Twin Flame Obsession

What does twin flame obsession often look like for a woman? It’s about love, yes, and sometimes looking for black [...]

Spiritual Development

7 Effective Ways to Develop Your Intuition

Intuition is the capacity to understand something without the need of conscious reasoning. It is the immediate insight of a [...]

Advanced Souls and Mission

Power Places: The Doors to the Sacred

Power places are geographical locations on the planet that radiate a strong and unique energy, which affects human consciousness.There are [...]

Soul Relationships

Twin Flame Separation: The Path to Healing

Twin flame separation is probably the most painful experience one will come across on a spiritual journey. It is the [...]

Spiritual Development

Is Clairaudience Your Hidden Superpower?

Clairaudience is a gift of “psychic hearing”. Clairaudience gives you the ability to hear messages from the spirit world, what [...]